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What has happened to AL. - Printable Version

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RE: What has happened to AL. - ZeonOne - 2009.Jun.16 08:41 PM

(2009.Jun.16 06:20 PM)ShadowKid Wrote:  The forums seem so dead.....
The games seems alot more quiet then it was before.

AL is a RPG that build your character. However, in the past, there are many huge gang war that keep the game even more exciting. Such as, Dark Matter VS Valhalla, Super Vaillain VS Valhalla, Xpat VS Diss.

Now, the gang simply don't fight back. Like Xpat VS Bad.

Johnrambo, Loki, W00k, those are those big forum poster. They are gone.
Plus, have you realized that most of he new player don't post in the forum. That's not helping.

I think a AL Gang War Bowl can revive some of these excitement.
Something like this.

AL Gang Area

We can setup the area every 3 to 6 months period. There will be a small sign up fee (10k per person in a gang). The winner get cash prize, a tag and some gang points.

This will provide a mean to get some of us motivated to sharpen our skill and gang. It will give us something to look forward to. Very similar to the world cup or Olympic.

How does it work?
There will be a random bracket be place for each participant. Every gang can select up to 5 member to participate. (This give a chance for the smaller gang to compete) Every gang is to have around 1000 HP. Each gang battle is to last 30 mins.

RE: What has happened to AL. - Ushanewnewba - 2009.Jun.16 09:09 PM

What set this game apart from others was extremely active admin.. personable, and professional.

We were getting updates (content) what seemed like daily. Now it's few and far between. We were very well taken care of in the past with just content overload. Either the coding for updates is just taking so much longer, the ideas are washing up, or admin is actually busy with other stuff.

Gang wars again need to be recoded, reworked.. something. Apparently we have the attention span of a newt. Even the huge warring gangs have just plain stopped. Beating someone's hideout is just not the same anymore, as almost anyone can take anyone with just the slightest planning.

Gang upgrades became less desirable, due to diminishing returns.. Each member in a 20+ member gang has to EACH spend thousands and thousands of AP (which would be millions of potential cash) on gang war strikes.. just for a +1 GCR.

Gangs have stopped growing due to the cost of bigger gangs (which is good) however, also due to a shrinking player base (very bad).

All good things have a lull in them, and this by far has been one of the biggest train/attack/skill/career grind-eras I have been a part of.

We just need more players, which means more donating from big donators to aid in advertising, and many many more referrals.. But, there is the rub, I am not going to refer a friend when it appears no one has been behind the steering wheel for a few months.

Admin has been busy, and hopefully there is a remedy in the works, what is going on right now is definitely not good IMO. I will continue to play as much as I can, and continue my regular donating in hopes that in doing so, my player can get bigger and stronger, and some of my cash will go back to the advertising arm of the game.

All in all, this game is still tops. I just fear we may have been spoiled early on. Nothing replaces admin activity though. One of the MAJOR reasons I ever kept going in this game.

RE: What has happened to AL. - Conrad1103 - 2009.Jun.16 09:42 PM

^^ you depress me.

RE: What has happened to AL. - ZeonOne - 2009.Jun.16 10:30 PM

Well said, Ush.

To get more players, I have been thinking about contacting some of the game blog.

Those blog can attract a lot of players.

RE: What has happened to AL. - SisterLynx - 2009.Jun.16 10:37 PM

(2009.Jun.16 09:09 PM)Ushanewnewba Wrote:  What set this game apart from others was extremely active admin.. personable, and professional.

We were getting updates (content) what seemed like daily. Now it's few and far between. We were very well taken care of in the past with just content overload. Either the coding for updates is just taking so much longer, the ideas are washing up, or admin is actually busy with other stuff.

But, there is the rub, I am not going to refer a friend when it appears no one has been behind the steering wheel for a few months.

Nothing replaces admin activity though. One of the MAJOR reasons I ever kept going in this game.

Makes you wonder if Zen went on vacation, or is too busy coding to deal with our issues, maybe it's none of our business, maybe she is having a meltdown, or an AL overload and wants out.

Inquiring minds want to know

Zeon your in the wrong thread. We want to know whats going on, not your ideas on how to fix it. Try this thread. The one started last December.

RE: What has happened to AL. - JaySin - 2009.Jun.16 10:48 PM

Me and mick were just discussing an idea.

What if when you joined a gang you got a new bar of points like energy or AP but instead its only for wars. call it WP or "War Points".

that way you can crime and war and have all the things you love about AL at the same time. but you only have the WP if you are in a gang. And then maybe even those WP can be used for future add-ons.

RE: What has happened to AL. - TommiTheTaco - 2009.Jun.16 10:50 PM


RE: What has happened to AL. - SisterLynx - 2009.Jun.16 10:52 PM

Scream You too Gollum. Wrong thread.

RE: What has happened to AL. - TommiTheTaco - 2009.Jun.16 10:53 PM

Wrong person, I think..

Anyway, it's good to have ideas in this thread. Shows an interest in what is up and things to attempt a remedy.


RE: What has happened to AL. - SisterLynx - 2009.Jun.16 11:00 PM

The orginal question is What has happened to AL.

All these atemps to fix it, smells like more stuff to cover up the issues.