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Safehouse... - Printable Version

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- BlackHand - 2008.Oct.12 06:23 PM

Just go offline for 12 hours.

Problem solved. Everyone is happy.

- bigchaz - 2008.Oct.12 06:49 PM

triadboy is just thinking of a place he could hideout next time he decides to scam someone

- Thor - 2008.Oct.12 07:37 PM

We're already trying to get FULLY rid of the retirement district, don't bring more wussies ideas on top of it...

- shadowinc - 2008.Oct.12 07:51 PM

thats it, if you want a safe house just log off and walk away for 12 hours even a day or two would be ok,problem solved, your safe

- abysmalpoptart - 2008.Oct.12 08:03 PM

shadowinc Wrote:thats it, if you want a safe house just log off and walk away for 12 hours even a day or two would be ok,problem solved, your safe

i feel like someone said this already, almost verbatim...

- konyen - 2008.Oct.12 08:28 PM

there is one point that i want to bring up. I feel that there is a bottle neck for the higher level players. I used over 100 stims in less then 1 week. I feel I am active bit once i'm offline for 16 mins, i get attacked. Now I'm not b*tching that I am getting attacked or I have to stim out eveytime I log in but it does get discouraging at points.

- randomjacker - 2008.Oct.12 08:34 PM

JaySin Wrote:
TriadBoy Wrote:But everyone including you has had alittle trouble with a certain somebody once and awhile havent they?, all im saying is it would be fun to talk trash to somebody with a hot temper that just wants to hosp you knowing h cant touch you, it would be a nice option, they do it in certain other games and it works

But you gotta come out eventually.....and isnt trash talking from somewhere you cant be touched at just admitting your a f'ing coward?

this one has a point

- randomjacker - 2008.Oct.12 08:37 PM

Besides all that... AL does have a safe house where you can not train... and no one can touch you...

It's called the hospital! If you would like... for 10$ a min I would be happy to check you into this safe house!

- BlackHand - 2008.Oct.12 09:17 PM

randomjacker Wrote:Besides all that... AL does have a safe house where you can not train... and no one can touch you...

It's called the hospital! If you would like... for 10$ a min I would be happy to check you into this safe house!

Where do I sign?

- BL00DYHAZ3 - 2008.Oct.12 11:50 PM

You can pay to stay in the waiting room ha.