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My last day - Printable Version

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- Lucky666 - 2008.Dec.01 10:05 AM

DD or midlan
and good luck in RL and hope you'll be back soon

- Lucky666 - 2008.Dec.01 10:07 AM

try and pull a bigrod before you leave Twisted
you got to go for over 600(or was it 700 :?: )

- Howl - 2008.Dec.01 10:17 AM

I picked the beach as well. Hate to see u go tho. :?

- DirkDanja - 2008.Dec.01 10:26 AM

Are you really leaving or is this some sort of sick joke :?

- JakeBlues - 2008.Dec.01 10:30 AM


- BadLuck - 2008.Dec.01 10:32 AM

DirkDanja Wrote:Are you really leaving or is this some sort of sick joke :?

He's really leaving Sad

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Dec.01 11:09 AM

No more random declarations of war..No more messing with people in the forums.. Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad

- biffbaffboff - 2008.Dec.01 11:43 AM

Oh well nvm tommi XD.I am looking forward to retiring now.I made my mind up late last night.I have quit all games not just this one.I will enjoy the company of my rl family now.My friends here I will never forget,you were my other family.

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Dec.01 11:49 AM

My display image is totally me right now. Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad

- Shadowjack - 2008.Dec.01 12:08 PM

Sorry to see you leave JR.

All my best as you spend more time with your family and other pursuits.

You will be missed.