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Shamrock Gun? - Printable Version

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- shadowinc - 2008.Sep.27 04:27 PM

if the inactives have some of the items it should stay with them it is thier personal items, i know if i went inactive and come back to all my items gone i would not be a happy campier, if you want uniqe items either win them or find somebody who will sell thiers,but taking from the inactives would be stealing from them, but thats just me :roll:

- Mock8800 - 2008.Sep.27 05:07 PM

I agree with you Sg, but I wish their was someway to contact these players to find out if they care or not. It just seems like a waste for players to compete for these items and the admins to create them and their not being used.

- drec92 - 2008.Sep.27 05:11 PM

i say they get a timelimt of being offline and then lose it since they rnt playing they dont need it and it can be added as a prize in a radom contest or added to a contest prize list

- Snoop - 2008.Sep.27 05:15 PM

drec92 Wrote:i say they get a timelimt of being offline and then lose it since they rnt playing they dont need it and it can be added as a prize in a radom contest or added to a contest prize list

Bad idea.

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Sep.27 05:30 PM

The Shamrock was owned by my buddy, AKACommander, but he sold it to one of his buddies..So, if I ever see the guy on AIM, I'll make sure to put a message out to ya, Jaysin. =D

- dekarr - 2008.Sep.27 05:43 PM

Snoop Wrote:Bad idea.

I love you

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Sep.27 07:19 PM

Snoop Wrote:
drec92 Wrote:i say they get a timelimt of being offline and then lose it since they rnt playing they dont need it and it can be added as a prize in a radom contest or added to a contest prize list

Bad idea.

Bad idea, but if it did happen, no. Not a contest. As I've suggested before, Pawn Shop. It can go in Industrial District, where the jump from mediocre weaponry to slightly advanced takes place, and the description can be 'Where all the stolen stuff comes, but don't tell anyone, okay? thanks.'

- drec92 - 2008.Sep.27 07:38 PM

or there can be a al bid on it

- Snoop - 2008.Sep.27 07:45 PM

drec92 Wrote:or there can be a al bid on it

Again, bad idea.

- TommiTheTaco - 2008.Sep.27 08:05 PM

An auction day to put money back into the game. Not too bad of an idea, if lost items from inactives came to be.