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Rule #18 - Printable Version

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- Jolabent - 2008.May.03 08:53 AM

I love the new rule. I think it is definitely past due lol.

- Thor - 2008.May.03 10:57 AM

Now to see if the mails to the admins will really stop. hmm

- w00k - 2008.May.03 10:58 AM

*In best Newman voice*

"Because the mail never stops. It just keeps coming and coming and coming. There's never a letup, It's relentless. Every day it piles up more and more, but the more you get out, the more it keeps coming. And then the bar code reader breaks. And then it's Publisher's Clearinghouse day."

- Ushanewnewba - 2008.May.03 03:50 PM

"And then the bar code reader breaks."

I apologize for not stepping in sooner. The bar code reader has since been rendered obsolete with the introduction of the DPS system. DPS system automatically sorts lettered mail by street address. I do believe it is 98% accurate, and when it "mis sorts" the carrier has the ability to mark up the mail and send it back to central processing for further sorting, UNLESS the carrier is able to hand carry the mark up mail to the proper route case. I hope this helps.

- mudpies - 2008.May.03 04:00 PM

Ushanewnewba Wrote:I hope this helps.


- Howl - 2008.May.03 05:23 PM

mudpies Wrote:
Ushanewnewba Wrote:I hope this helps.


Yeah I'm wth mud on that one... we didnt really care.... :roll:

- BlitzKrieg - 2008.May.05 11:58 AM

people were actually whining to the game operators about offlines?

Sheesh... seems like her character would be out there beating them for bothering her Smile

- Marlo - 2008.May.05 12:25 PM

I think it was more of a general and persistent whine, unattached to a certain derivation of whine. Leaving all administrators involved with a general sense of individual malaise.

- MrPickles - 2008.May.05 12:25 PM

For the first couple of months after I joined, this one dude hit me anywhere from 3-5 times a night, every night (offline). I kept plugging away in the gym, just waiting for the day when i could log on and find that he had messed with the wrong pickle! Oh what a glorious day!!!! Since then, I havent seen hide nor hair of him! lol

Best way to handle being attacked? Get your stats up and give it back to them!!!

- KcCashBrigade - 2008.May.05 12:38 PM
