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Property! - Printable Version

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- HollyGirl - 2006.Oct.29 12:07 PM

lol! you COULD earn money, alright...i earned 9 dollars for buying the squatters hovel at 990 and sold it for 999! lol

- reddog34 - 2006.Nov.01 05:09 PM

need house bad only have 1143 help lev 3 experice 39
Evil Twisted :x Razz :shock: Biggrin Smile :? :?: Idea Arrow :wink: :roll: :cry: 8) lol :o Sad :oops:

- Druchii - 2006.Nov.01 11:55 PM

well then, train ALOT of dex, then start doing pickpocketting and work your way from there. no easy way.

about selling property - Shyadz - 2007.Feb.14 10:47 AM

hey.. question.. if u buy a house lets say worth 3k(exmple only), wud u get 3k back if u sell it?? unlike in weapons where u only get maybe 40% of its original price?

- Eaglefreak - 2007.Feb.14 01:06 PM

You get back the amount the house is going for at the time (example you buy a house for 3k and a week later it's going for 2800, you will only get 2800 for selling it)

- Shyadz - 2007.Feb.14 05:43 PM

ow? i didnt notice the prices change from time 2 time.. lol tnx for d info! Smile

- pimpsta101 - 2007.Apr.01 09:29 AM

what does LMAO mean

- abysmalpoptart - 2007.Apr.01 11:06 AM

wow you posted in the back of this thread after 2 months to ask that? hopefully thats an april fools joke

laughin my arse off

- Hannibal - 2007.Apr.16 01:58 PM

I always thought it meant, "Lick Me All Over" :roll:

- pimpsta101 - 2007.Apr.16 02:52 PM

it was an april fools and that was funny LLickin Me All over"