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retired player ghost npc's - Printable Version

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- Mighke - 2008.Jan.10 03:49 AM

filthymick Wrote:thugs is too plain of a term for 2 such fine outstanding gentlemen, maybe something more on the lines of warlords

Haha oh, my.

How about Tyrants? lololol

- dayute - 2008.Jan.10 01:24 PM

Yeah, but then what happens when the player magically comes out of retirement a month later? Does the ghost die? Can ghosts die?

::Lights bowl and ponders::

Is it even possible to put a ghost in the hospital?

- abysmalpoptart - 2008.Jan.10 01:26 PM

you can send a ghost back into the ethereal realm until it once again re-stabilizes and opens up the gates of oblivion only to return stronger and angry at the person who sent him beyond the pits of malice and through the firey legions of the demonlords.

in other words, no

- dayute - 2008.Jan.10 01:30 PM

abysmalpoptart Wrote:you can send a ghost back into the ethereal realm until it once again re-stabilizes and opens up the gates of oblivion only to return stronger and angry at the person who sent him beyond the pits of malice and through the firey legions of the demonlords.

in other words, no

::Head Explodes::

- jiggaj - 2008.Jan.10 01:33 PM

just don't cross the streams

- dayute - 2008.Jan.10 01:42 PM

jiggaj Wrote:just don't cross the streams

You mean like playing swords?

- jiggaj - 2008.Jan.10 01:57 PM

apparently Ghostbusters is before your time

- KcCashBrigade - 2008.Jan.10 02:17 PM

I am the keymaster; Are you the gatekeeper?

- jiggaj - 2008.Jan.10 02:24 PM

::ain't afraid of no ghost::

- Scorpious - 2008.Jan.10 07:12 PM

So, no bravery for inactives? I was intentionally using weaker weapons and no belt so they would put up more of a fight so I could get bravery points. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: