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My Nomination - Printable Version

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- abysmalpoptart - 2007.Dec.12 01:36 PM

darn you conspiracy theorists!!

- zingersmack - 2007.Dec.17 11:04 AM

I agree with a conspiracy, but I believe its more so done by the Villains family...since they seem to be the only ones replying to this thread even (minus wolfbane).

Sneaky sneaky Villains.

- Canosoup - 2007.Dec.17 03:32 PM

I'm part of the Villains and I'm not aware that we had a hand in this conspiracy...maybe it's being done by the a shadow government using psychic bigfoots outside of Area 51? :roll: Razz

- TheGeek - 2007.Dec.19 06:57 AM

roflmao! psychic bigfoots!