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- Moriarty - 2007.Sep.03 02:32 PM

Howlsong Wrote:Its been discussed b4 and its still a crappy idea.

Nagging wife material right there Wink

- killer1994 - 2007.Sep.03 03:51 PM

thats 4 sure

- buuddha - 2007.Sep.03 04:00 PM

i dont understand the point of having a wife in an online txt based game. isnt that a reason why we play video game? cuz there are no wives/gfs? oh well and would you marry a real player or a fake npc......every1 knows AL is already a cockfest......


- killer1994 - 2007.Sep.03 04:05 PM

yeah only a couple of girls play it

- badmanbren - 2007.Sep.03 05:01 PM

Siren would be the one I would be trying to have on a dailly basis... get a bit of Arthurs pockets. Twisted Ooops did I say that out loud?

- SulphurLizard - 2007.Sep.04 03:06 AM

killer1994 Wrote:yeah only a couple of girls play it

Awakened Lands Total Population    7,590
Men    6,762
Women    828

828 = couple of girls...

anyways, according to this each female player can have 8 male players "in bed" Twisted :roll:

- Moriarty - 2007.Sep.04 03:46 AM

Sorry I didnt actually give my opinion before...IMO completely pointless

- Kitsumi - 2007.Sep.04 09:02 AM

only if leads to being able to pimp your wife out, otherwise it's pointless.

Of course, the ability to become a pimp... that could be interesting. Or a pimpette. Nah, even still that idea would lead to problems. When guys start thinking about getting married, it means that there isn't enough to kill.

- Thor - 2007.Sep.04 03:04 PM

badmanbren Wrote:Siren would be the one I would be trying to have on a dailly basis... get a bit of Arthurs pockets. Twisted Ooops did I say that out loud?
Leave ma girl alone you!!!

I don't see the point in marriage either, unless we can have kids and get some family helping checks to boost our bank accounts and send our children to school to boost our intel. Smile

- badmanbren - 2007.Sep.04 03:27 PM

And kick the hell out of them to improve our Strength and Accuracy.