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Do people not know the refresher rule lol - Printable Version

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- Thor - 2007.Aug.12 01:57 PM

6666 by (oh the irony!) 666666 AKA hospitalizeme.


- Scorpious - 2007.Aug.12 07:21 PM

Camster98 (or whatever number he is using with his name) got up pretty high himself before catching it. LOL

- Eaglefreak - 2007.Aug.13 01:53 AM

hydro9226 Wrote:6666 by (oh the irony!) 666666 AKA hospitalizeme.

He did it on his own free will (and I got burned for helping him). Wonder how high a bot has gotten someone in for "refresher" course?

- Scorpious - 2007.Aug.13 06:40 PM

Scorpious Wrote:Camster98 (or whatever number he is using with his name) got up pretty high himself before catching it. LOL

I am sure he had a few thousand minutes himself. Time to look for that thread. HEHE

- sblair018 - 2007.Sep.06 10:36 PM

I'm taking a refresher with bubba right now, what's up with that? I should not hit F5 so much? hehe