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And who said the marvels were weak? - Printable Version

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- matt5250 - 2007.May.14 01:08 PM

you are getting really wound up over being attacked by the marvels once. once is nothing.

- XxDragonxX - 2007.May.14 01:08 PM

Your a bit late every inactive gang that has less then 100 respect will be destroy plz dont let us add your gang.
carry on tryinf to be smart and you will be spending the rest of your AL life in hospital

- jlabrasseur - 2007.May.14 01:09 PM

not that this is going to get me any where, but this will be the only post i make on this subject. Jaded this started out only because I wanted to see what the other two members of my gang could do. I did attack you once and only once. just because I was bored and waiting to go to work. I did not tell the other gangs of Marvel to declare on you. The marvel family is not that connected to each other like it was, however that will change very soon but that is another topic all together. You havent once asked what it would take to end the war all you have done is send me one mail complaining. If you would like to discuss the matter further please mail me ingame because posting in the forums gets you nowhere.

- matt5250 - 2007.May.14 01:10 PM

XxDragonxX Wrote:carry on tryinf to be smart and you will be spending the rest of your AL life in hospital

thats a pretty harsh threat there

- Dingus - 2007.May.14 01:11 PM

Food for thought. I personaly have relieved you of 50 exp. pts myself and never lost to you or willow. I would be happy to continue this war with just me vs. you and willow.........Woot Woot

- XxDragonxX - 2007.May.14 01:16 PM

matt5250 Wrote:
XxDragonxX Wrote:carry on tryinf to be smart and you will be spending the rest of your AL life in hospital

thats a pretty harsh threat there

Matt hes complaining about a little war. And is trying to say that we are picking on him when we are clearly not all he has to do is message the President and the war will be stopped instead he makes a thread about it which isnt needed but i wont attack him ill let the little Marvels have some fun because he aint strong.

- JadedRadiance - 2007.May.14 01:17 PM

[Your a bit late every inactive gang that has less then 100 respect will be destroy plz dont let us add your gang.]

We haven't been inactive though. Me and the prez have been online multiple times a day since we started playing. We only have one inactive member who stopped logging in a few days ago.

And we have more than 100 respect points. We have over 200 a couple of times. [/quote]

- XxDragonxX - 2007.May.14 01:19 PM

JadedRadiance Wrote:[Your a bit late every inactive gang that has less then 100 respect will be destroy plz dont let us add your gang.]

We haven't been inactive though. Me and the prez have been online multiple times a day since we started playing. We only have one inactive member who stopped logging in a few days ago.

And we have more than 100 respect points. We have over 200 a couple of times.

Like i said we aint going to destroy.Get intouch with all the Marvel President's and say what is the agreement to end the war because if you keep this up you will be destroyed

- Dingus - 2007.May.14 01:20 PM

Seeing all my brother Marvel members on here defending a good ol war brings a teer to my you guys!

- badmanbren - 2007.May.14 01:26 PM

Beast chill man, nah we're not a gang that threats, we also don't like robbing game time, but we play to the rules and have wars, if you dislike wars why make a gang, I have had experience of wars they are not nice, but come on it's the game if I didn't want my game time fairly took by being in a war I wouldn't join a gang.
We don't disband, we take a few respect, we see how "Some" of our members compare up to others and then we leave you, feel free to re-attack after to try and gain some respect back of us, but obviouslly as we're a family if the others are needed for help they will surelly help and then leave you with reasonable respect again. If you keep attacking then the respect left will more likelly be lower. You know how it goes, if you dislike "Happy" wars a gang is definatelly not for you. Twisted

Just for the score.
Happy war= A war which will end up in both gang sides still standing on reasonable respect. (yes I made that phrase up myself) :oops: