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gang battle attacks - Printable Version

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- Shotokan - 2008.Mar.10 06:16 PM

i think my favorite part of posting things is hearing the many voices and i'm glad i'm not the only one to "rush into things" i think it would be useful but guess i could learn to chill, anyone got any ridalin(spelled wrong i'm sure)?

- McCule - 2008.Mar.11 05:49 PM

I agree, it should be changed. I think the gang battle option has added some spice to the game.
In my opinion:
gang battle=strategic and fun
We like to stick to the former of the two.

- Ushanewnewba - 2008.Mar.11 05:52 PM

Yeah, I would choose gang battle every time, if there were more than two people I could score off of. Only asking for one point regardless of powerlevel.

- filthymick - 2008.Mar.11 11:47 PM

i've used hospitalize on "accident" :evilsmirk:

- DirkDanja - 2008.Mar.12 08:33 AM

im fairly new to AL and i move around pretty easy never rushin into a fight without making sure to hit the right option lol

- DirkDanja - 2008.Mar.12 08:35 AM

all you vet's should have the art of war down pact by now

- mudpies - 2008.Mar.12 04:04 PM

DirkDanja Wrote:all you vet's should have the art of war down pact by now

this war code is newish to all of us. it's not really worth it for the most powerful to wage war.