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Bigrod is back for some love - Printable Version

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- ZON666 - 2008.Sep.22 01:35 PM

25602 Aaargh jamestheshiner 11 242 Hospitalized by ThorOdinson.
22550 gmoney96 8 206 Hospitalized by BigRod.
22276 -BAD- Stikz04 10 203 Hospitalized by BigRod.
12628 Judge schmeck 15 203 Hospitalized by BigRod.
12145 C{}S Crimzoneyez 10 197 Hospitalized by BigRod.
13337 BLAZE44 9 196 Hospitalized by BigRod.
19542 -BAD- lilitone 23 195 Hospitalized by BigRod.
2861 Judge LittleShaori 15 193 Hospitalized by BigRod.
1900 {-C-} Ashling 14 191 Hospitalized by BigRod.
11900 *RW* whatthefoxtrot 18 189 Hospitalized by BigRod.
9102 AoV aquais 13 189 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8737 --LS-- KRoNiXJoKeR 14 189 Hospitalized by BigRod.
23273 -Fight- AXe 20 184 Hospitalized by BigRod.
11901 TrainWreck 10 183 Hospitalized by BigRod.
1662 -BAD- CptSpeedy 25 183 Hospitalized by BigRod.
7380 ^$paced^ PhishkilledJesus 19 178 Hospitalized by BigRod.
6870 {14k} gregjmick 13 177 Hospitalized by BigRod.
26139 ^Spaced^ BonesPhoenix 13 173 Hospitalized by BigRod.
18665 MrJamess 15 170 Hospitalized by BigRod.
21158 Aik3n Pancho 8 169 Hospitalized by BigRod.
15966 *RBP* RebelSoldier 14 169 Hospitalized by BigRod.
13793 *RBP* marshel 18 169 Hospitalized by BigRod.
2765 -Souls- SinfulSoul 15 168 Hospitalized by BigRod.
24993 **RW** SuperDave 11 165 Hospitalized by BigRod.
14827 LCBO-BAD Deathwing 21 163 Hospitalized by BigRod.
12324 shralp 14 160 Hospitalized by BigRod.
15935 Xero 13 159 Hospitalized by BigRod.
2131 -BAD- SoaresDuarte 23 159 Hospitalized by BigRod.
6154 SinCity emmafrost 15 151 Hospitalized by BigRod.
15560 {7}Laws Troy 23 148 Hospitalized by BigRod.
11917 vemvir 10 145 Hospitalized by BigRod.
24434 DeM!z3 Iztrouble 13 144 Hospitalized by TheBrahphet.
8679 fattucus 18 143 Hospitalized by BigRod.
24835 SinCity bladesaw22 9 142 Hospitalized by BigRod.
23874 minime 11 138 Hospitalized by BigRod.
7488 ThirdEyeWarrior 14 138 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8599 Bambinaduck 12 136 Hospitalized by BigRod.
17553 -Souls- Quatra 14 135 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8863 shadowball 12 134 Hospitalized by BigRod.
9775 =F-U= robing123456 16 130 Hospitalized by BigRod.
17546 Aaargh CptnThunderbolt 21 129 Recovering from a recent surgery.
7803 Denethor 15 122 Hospitalized by BigRod.
7401 Forbins 18 122 Hospitalized by BigRod.
12012 Jookia 1 121 Hospitalized by BigRod.
7028 BCS YourTimeIsGonnaCome 14 121 Hospitalized by BigRod.
19808 -=JB2=- JSlr 10 120 Hospitalized by BigRod.
7245 LCBO-BAD Budweiser 25 120 Hospitalized by BigRod.
23438 Shifter 9 119 Hospitalized by BigRod.
9823 SinCityS Karma 15 119 Hospitalized by BigRod.
3529 CornerstoreJunkie 30 118 Hospitalized by SHADOWGUARD.
8986 EmperorRetu 13 116 Hospitalized by BigRod.
7706 }DIS{ Con 28 114 Hospitalized by BigRod.
26835 -|DIS|- selenafan 2 113 Hospitalized by BigRod.
25515 -Fight- WoprDaddy 11 113 Hospitalized by BigRod.
6051 raging afrow500 11 112 Hospitalized by BigRod.
2077 {|SGC|} CaptainCarter 15 112 Hospitalized by BigRod.
1567 KM Merlin1983 11 112 Hospitalized by BigRod.
25490 DeM!z3 killagrl 10 110 Hospitalized by TheBrahphet.
10135 JinxtheLynx 26 110 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8742 miniako1 3 109 Hospitalized by BigRod.
26839 886eriko 1 108 Hospitalized by BigRod.
19355 $_QC_$ CalamityAngel 18 106 Hospitalized by KanetsuguNaoe.
6427 Judge GoCowboys 26 106 Hospitalized by BigRod.
4671 ~Jedi~ Chewbacca 21 102 Hospitalized by BigRod.
20721 matt5463 1 101 Hospitalized by BigRod.
19255 ***RW*** BadzLuck 13 101 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8780 UnsexyDrunkenSammich 7 101 Hospitalized by BigRod.
4001 ^V^ Thorzten 25 101 Hospitalized by BigRod.
9546 {GTC} Bloodlust 13 100 Hospitalized by BigRod.
5874 $_QC_$ kt6 20 100 Hospitalized by BigRod.
2225 Judge LostTime 18 99 Hospitalized by BigRod.
24620 ^V^ JustJonny 14 97 Hospitalized by BigRod.
11351 Dartanon 21 95 Hospitalized by BigRod.
9388 {14k} jandi1983 13 95 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8230 Yakuza24 13 94 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8006 MalachiConstant 20 94 Hospitalized by BigRod.
7688 Judge Marrklarr 19 94 Hospitalized by BigRod.
10121 Judge Hiei 20 93 Hospitalized by BigRod.
17834 ^V^ SisterLynx 24 92 Hospitalized by BigRod.
9427 Minions BoomSlang 7 91 Hospitalized by BigRod.
13668 $_QC_$ jimmyg0504 17 90 Hospitalized by KanetsuguNaoe.
7584 ^Spaced^ FrankGrimes 20 90 Hospitalized by BigRod.
11690 -X- WARHAMMER 22 89 Hospitalized by BigRod.
23795 GCR+ porkchop 11 88 Hospitalized by BigRod.
4105 {7}Laws Emerica 20 88 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8832 Zeal 5 87 Hospitalized by BigRod.
3459 ~X~ SampleInAJarOfNugs 30 87 Hospitalized by BigRod.
5221 S}{WL LongLiveW00k 19 86 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8485 {R} Bickaxe 14 85 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8269 thegoalie22 8 85 Hospitalized by BigRod.
14160 SinCity moltox 14 83 Hospitalized by BigRod.
26528 $-QC-$ nickdavey 3 82 Hospitalized by BigRod.
1073 Berry 30 82 Hospitalized by BigRod.
9514 -WD- MrPotatoHead 11 81 Hospitalized by BigRod.
3194 -BAD- DeerSlayer 30 79 Hospitalized by BigRod.
9467 !!RAGE!! oooooh 14 78 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8340 {R} poolside 15 78 Hospitalized by BigRod.
7557 -X- airrow 26 78 Hospitalized by BigRod.
20102 *RW* Stinger 10 77 Hospitalized by BigRod.
7425 {gBz} Fangz 11 77 Hospitalized by BigRod.
4256 Vaal 18 77 Hospitalized by BigRod.
26086 ^Spaced^ English 11 76 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8264 -BAD- Decks02 14 76 Hospitalized by BigRod.
4349 lordnemos 9 76 Hospitalized by BigRod.
26841 amandabert 1 75 Hospitalized by BigRod.
26229 ToyotomiHideyoshi 5 75 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8835 Ju_dge MrBadMan 13 75 Hospitalized by BigRod.
6520 Maddog 10 74 Hospitalized by BigRod.
25407 -BAD- Carson 12 72 Hospitalized by BigRod.
3566 Jenkem 24 71 Hospitalized by BigRod.
15489 Vidar01 17 70 Hospitalized by BigRod.
10158 ^Spaced^ OneArmedSteve 20 69 Hospitalized by BigRod.
2258 -BAD- Sniper 22 69 Hospitalized by BigRod.
19738 -X- Aquarius 21 66 Hospitalized by BrenAndPageWorshipMe.
3310 LCBO-BAD 6Angry6Possom6 21 66 Hospitalized by BigRod.
9929 PISTONSROCK 13 65 Hospitalized by BigRod.
3271 -X- Shade 27 65 Hospitalized by BigRod.
9429 S}{WL SuperKeteq 22 64 Hospitalized by BigRod.
25435 ^Spaced^ Brugada 15 63 Hospitalized by BigRod.
26211 {gods} barrowafcRULES 4 62 Hospitalized by BigRod.
9626 DTK NewSpeedwayFooty 11 62 Hospitalized by BigRod.
16108 -BAD- Haxaxin 12 61 Hospitalized by BigRod.
3184 DntAskMeToJnYrSryArs 20 60 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8607 --LS-- sasukeone 10 59 Hospitalized by BigRod.
2837 ~N~ Victim 29 59 Hospitalized by HarbingerOfDeath.
22312 -X- WmnChief 19 58 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8626 *RW* KcCashBrigade 31 56 Hospitalized by BigRod.
5136 {-C-} Angelique 20 56 Hospitalized by BigRod.
22040 curlyb316 10 55 Hospitalized by BigRod.
9587 }DIS{ BIZARRO 27 55 Hospitalized by BigRod.
24672 Fa!!3N hillium 9 54 Hospitalized by BigRod.
7804 *****ToT PJDuck 22 54 Hospitalized by BigRod.
9118 MurderousBob 13 53 Hospitalized by BigRod.
5100 {|SGC|} Tealc 19 53 Hospitalized by BigRod.
25815 -SKiD- corkyj419 8 52 Hospitalized by Iztrouble.
2707 ^V^ Nightrain 40 52 Hospitalized by BigRod.
19720 -}DIS{- aidivn 13 51 Hospitalized by BigRod.
5651 --LS-- jetli 11 51 Hospitalized by BigRod.
3525 vorenus 15 50 Hospitalized by BigRod.
1569 KM KageShikikan 17 49 Hospitalized by BigRod.
26833 Cloud1Strife 1 48 Hospitalized by BigRod.
1633 Judge Sylo 15 48 Hospitalized by BigRod.
1885 NoOneLives 19 47 Hospitalized by BigRod.
2831 Waldo 41 45 Lost in combat to DianaTheAcrobat.
2700 $BUST$ Lefty 30 45 Lost in combat to konyen.
26101 BZZZ TurkeyJerkey 6 44 Hospitalized by BigRod.
18167 Demunfyre 17 44 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8512 skylertheloner 17 44 Hospitalized by BigRod.
5225 ~X~ zappafrank 25 42 Hospitalized by BigRod.
3257 $BUST$ Scorpious 24 42 Hospitalized by BigRod.
7574 -X- PagesNewShirt 30 41 Hospitalized by BigRod.
24437 -}DIS{- 13epauli 8 39 Hospitalized by BigRod.
4821 LCBO-BAD RedHorse 18 39 Hospitalized by BigRod.
3999 ***RW*** Davinsteidel 9 38 Hospitalized by BigRod.
10206 drfc1879 30 37 Lost in combat to BrenAndPageWorshipMe.
26714 ^^ TopCat02 3 34 Hospitalized by BigRod.
4876 {-C-} OldWomanWithACane 42 34 Lost in combat to Conan.
10339 ~X~ bounce 16 33 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8421 ^^V^^ sparkinjays 18 33 Hospitalized by BigRod.
7829 $_QC_$ zaloire 20 33 Hospitalized by BigRod.
3541 ~X~ playajam 30 33 Lost in combat to Conan.
2735 SilverSurfer 32 33 Lost in combat to konyen.
8811 *VSYN* WillyBMean 20 32 Hospitalized by BigRod.
5010 Knight Phoenixblade 18 30 Hospitalized by BigRod.
4103 Yahud 21 30 Hospitalized by BigRod.
5711 S-wXw-G shady45 24 29 Hospitalized by BigRod.
5914 $SOULS$ Elric 23 28 Hospitalized by BigRod.
3595 MalnourishedDog 30 28 Lost in combat to ThorOdinson.
1756 S}{WL deathkid874 11 28 Hospitalized by BigRod.
5200 DayuteBowsfornone 29 27 Lost in combat to konyen.
3593 Bombz 37 26 Lost in combat to g2o2d4wp.
26817 Nema314 1 24 Hospitalized by BigRod.
20601 -}DIS{- nambie 12 24 Hospitalized by BigRod.
10758 }DIS{ 404Error 23 22 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8540 Defzed 24 22 Lost in combat to COLDKILLER.
7404 ^Spaced^ Fukudome 19 22 Hospitalized by BigRod.
6510 DanusMaximus 27 22 Lost in combat to COLDKILLER.
5187 nWo Hollywood 14 22 Hospitalized by BigRod.
23052 {_DA_} ENAmitun 6 21 Lost in an individual gang battle to killer012000.
19015 Grizzly2375 12 21 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8859 RetiredDD 16 21 Hospitalized by BigRod.
4224 LordKillAlot 33 20 Lost in combat to g2o2d4wp.
4086 ^^ lexluther 21 20 Hospitalized by BigRod.
6287 {-C-} C4fodder 16 19 Hospitalized by BigRod.
26061 DeM!z3 Grosnounou 6 18 Hospitalized by TheBrahphet.
11527 istayfly1020 8 18 Lost in combat to WilfordBrimley.
8748 ^Spaced^ BigWoolyMammoth 29 18 Lost in combat to DianaTheAcrobat.
4884 {|SGC|} Wormhole 28 18 Hospitalized by BigRod.
23095 Mullensisgay 7 16 Lost in combat to Dragonqueen.
15738 --LS-- gullungen 10 16 Hospitalized by BigRod.
8636 *RW* Derek 31 16 Lost in combat to ThorMonteson.
7093 Ju_dge ShAdowAss 9 16 Hospitalized by BigRod.
9377 esbaldwin 13 14 Hospitalized by BigRod.
3587 BigPapiG 28 14 Lost in combat to g2o2d4wp.
3426 ~X~ mudpies 28 14 Hospitalized by BigRod.
13265 }SERR{ bandoso3 5 13 Lost in an individual gang battle to MeatPopsicle.
6800 S}{WL Nightwind 29 13 Lost in combat to Chance.
5176 jhonnyb 5 13 Hospitalized by BigRod.
101 BG Jack Mort NPC 13 Lost in combat to HanktheRanger.
4670 Yoda 37 12 Lost in combat to DianaTheAcrobat.
1477 KeyserSoze 30 12 Lost in combat to JohnnyB.
26715 *VSYN* Sif 9 11 Bit off more than they could chew with Sic300.
24130 DarkHer0 9 11 Lost in combat to WilfordBrimley.
2429 deadmanbren 38 11 Lost in combat to GrogTheTribbleSlayer.
1829 BertMan 9 11 Lost in combat to WilfordBrimley.
1399 Lostangel 30 11 Lost in combat to Uni.
13150 Knight Dasher 18 10 Lost in an individual gang battle to Hopper.
5202 NikoBellic 23 10 Lost in combat to Uni.
4921 Sorrow 15 10 Lost in combat to Collardgreen.
4341 SV Bishop 38 10 Lost in combat to Weebay.
9183 Judge Yukikaze 19 9 Hospitalized by BigRod.
5802 fearthereaper 33 9 Hospitalized by BigRod.
5086 Scruff 11 9 Hospitalized by BigRod.
1089 JoltinJoe 33 9 Lost in combat to Marlo.
24064 Aaargh deathishere 13 8 Lost in an individual gang battle to StringerBell.
7038 HitMeImUnequipped 29 8 Hospitalized by BigRod.
6872 LCBO-BAD BOOMER 24 8 Hospitalized by BigRod.
4598 Judge shadow55 20 8 Hospitalized by BigRod.
1668 kingPeajewUnequipped 20 8 Lost in combat to KanetsuguNaoe.
8971 *RW* Bahamut 25 7 Lost in combat to DebbiePinson.
8778 LonglivetheW00k 35 7 Lost in combat to ThorOdinson.
6045 }SERR{ jellyzilla12 10 7 Lost in an individual gang battle to Deathbykiss.
4747 SV DungeonMaster 30 7 Lost in combat to Conan.
11062 -BAD- Acheron 16 6 Hospitalized by BigRod.
1002 ~X~ Chris 40 6 Hospitalized by BigRod.
6765 Saint 29 5 Lost in combat to Zeon.
103 BG Col Vincent NPC 5 Lost in combat to StreetSamurai.
26672 {_DA_} dogboy343 3 4 Lost in an individual gang battle to PhilipRivers.
25470 {R} violentg 5 4 Lost in an individual gang battle to SGsOldLady.
7453 -X- CustieMcNooberson 31 4 Hospitalized by BigRod.
6823 LCBO-BAD mrtickles 21 4 Hospitalized by BigRod.
5673 SV vInDicaTed 36 4 Lost in combat to Rafal.
3979 hacker 6 4 Got mugged by HarbingerOfDeath.
2411 ChebGaba 20 4 Hospitalized by BigRod.
6414 {|SGC|} ColonelONeil 30 3 Hospitalized by BigRod.
4965 LCBO-BAD Kokozama 20 3 Hospitalized by BigRod.
4063 Markel 26 3 Hospitalized by BigRod.
3874 -X- Phisheva 34 3 Lost in combat to Mammon.
3556 Nilynrae 27 3 Lost in combat to g2o2d4wp.
24109 ~X~ Jerico 12 2 Lost in an individual gang battle to 1SickFak.
14342 }DIS{ Divinity 36 2 Lost in combat to ThorOdinson.
1284 -BAD- Caine 31 2 Lost in combat to Conan.
15823 S}{WL ShadowTingTong 17 1 Lost in an individual gang battle to digitalbuddah.
11338 L|CVL Emperor 19 1 Lost in combat to gimpsyit.
5907 -X- Dingus 30 1 Hospitalized by BigRod.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

- jiggaj - 2008.Sep.22 01:38 PM



- delpot - 2008.Sep.22 01:47 PM

i am utterly SHOCKED that there has been minimal to no whining regarding this.

im proud of you AL.

- Canosoup - 2008.Sep.22 01:50 PM

Everyone is too shocked/ in awe to even complain.

- shadowinc - 2008.Sep.22 01:54 PM

wait till next time, he may have to hosp 700 players, lol lol lol lol

- zenith - 2008.Sep.22 02:11 PM

delpot Wrote:i am utterly SHOCKED that there has been minimal to no whining regarding this.

im proud of you AL.


- Weathers - 2008.Sep.22 02:17 PM

Most aren't bothered because there was no mallice in the attacks. If it's just you ending up in the hosp day after day it's more annoying.
With everytone hosped we can play huge subbuteo tournaments and arm wrestle for prescription muscle relaxents.

- biffbaffboff - 2008.Sep.22 02:18 PM

Top attacks in last 24 hours.

Rank User Attacks
1 MOB BigRod 601

- thrillhouse - 2008.Sep.22 02:43 PM

biffbaffboff Wrote:Top inane forum posts in last 24 hours.

Rank User Posts
1 }DIS{ JohnRambo 601
2 -}DIS{- BrenAndPageWorshipMe 600

No tag though, as the only requirement is to have nothing better to do...

- Jocasta - 2008.Sep.22 03:01 PM

I think there has been no whining cos everyone was in total awe, and wondering how far this thing could go.

He got me twice!

*feels loved*