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Marvel Imposters! - Printable Version

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Marvel Imposters! - Dingus - 2007.May.29 07:59 PM

Recently I heard a rumor portraying a few Marvel gangs that were "fakes". Can anyone shed some light on this?

- durtywhite - 2007.May.29 08:01 PM

I've heard that also,that is why i decided to go against makin the training gang i had

- Thor - 2007.May.29 09:29 PM

How about asking the marvel head, Mr.F??

- Loki - 2007.May.29 09:46 PM


- Dingus - 2007.May.29 11:18 PM

I did ask the powers that be the same questions and got a few different answers. Was hoping to get the general publics opinions to determine where we stand in AL. And more importantly to find out a little history of Marvel and how we came to be so many. Please offer up your opinions good or bad to help me further my limited knowledge. If you dont I will start another rap forum :shock: oh i chose this platform so the many people seeking the answer can all draw a coclusion from the same place. Thanks in advance...

mtngti, hydro, and dirty thanks for your comments

- psheehan78 - 2007.May.30 12:31 AM

Half the marvels don't even have marvel names (a mandatory when I belonged). I left because there was no more order or discipline. There used to be stepping stones and order and structure in the marvel family when mr fantastic and cpt america and wolverine were the legends and I felt honored to be a part of it. When I took over as pres of the villians it was already detereriating. I made a febel attempt to bring our name back with fantastic and wolf by offering my gang and following orders but the villains were too active and friendly for me to not want to be a part of them. Now, I hate to say it (not really), the villains are what the marvels used to be, and pestilence is what the elders used to be...

- psheehan78 - 2007.May.30 12:49 AM

sorry if anyone from my family or any other family disagrees but I'm cus I'm pretty drunk right now.

Holla at yer bras!

- someonewilldie - 2007.May.30 03:17 AM

all marvel gangs were tied but then everyone and thier dog started to put marvel in thier name!

- Moriarty - 2007.May.30 04:37 AM

well your top marvel dogs now rogue, give em a kicking

- syntheticdarkness - 2007.May.30 07:26 AM

Hey now! there will be no Dog kicking of any kind. We aren't the NFL and Michael Vick doesn't play this game.