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I Know, We're Still The Bad Guys - Printable Version

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I Know, We're Still The Bad Guys - Chris Mangano - 2007.Mar.25 08:05 PM

This is our latest negotiations with the people who allegedly are upset about being hospitalized. Something tells me that is just a sob story...

I am sure you will still all find reasons why we are being unreasonable.

To: Matt [2192]
7:23:44 pm
Hey man, now that things have kind of died down we wanted to try and resume negotiations with you. What do you think?

Sender : Matt [2192] online
Date : 25 March 07 @ 7:45:19 pm
Subject : RE:(No Subject)

I doubt even if I wanted to I would be able to convince people to give you much money. if you demand a very small amount and promise no wars I might be able to get a deal going.

To: Matt [2192] RE:RE:(No Subject)
7:46:08 pm
What's considered a small amount?

Sender : Matt [2192] online
Date : 25 March 07 @ 7:47:33 pm
Subject : RE:RE:RE:(No Subject)

I'd have to talk to people. we kinda run things like a democracy, if the majority is in favour of going a certain way then we go that way. make an offer and I'll talk to ppl.

To: Matt [2192] RE:(No Subject)
8:21:50 pm
Well, sounds like we are not even close to being in agreement, unfortunately.

Sender : Matt [2192] online
Date : 25 March 07 @ 8:22:33 pm
Subject : RE:RE:(No Subject)

well, make your offer. I'll let people know.

To: Matt [2192] RE:RE:RE:(No Subject)
8:25:33 pm
800k to stop the current attacks.

Sender : Matt [2192] online
Date : 25 March 07 @ 8:35:39 pm
Subject : RE:RE:RE:RE:(No Subject)

ok, well I'll let people know. most of our members are offline atm though. I doubt this will fly.

To: Matt [2192] RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:(No Subject)
8:37:36 pm
That's too bad man, I don't know how low you guys want us to go. We feel like we are really trying to end this and feel like 800k is really a good offer considering were both sides started.

Sender : Matt [2192] online
Date : 25 March 07 @ 8:39:10 pm
Subject : RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:(No Subject)

I know, but you've said that about all your offers. so it doesn't mean much to us by now. we have a couple votes (including mine) at around 400k. which is the amount we stole minus the cost of all the gang's you've destroyed.

To: Matt [2192] RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:(No Subject)
8:41:16 pm
Uhm, it's true though. 2.5 mil to 1.5 mil, to 1.2 mil (which as I recall is what you guys offered when Zen stepped in) and now 800k (which as I recall is what you guys originally offered).

Sender : Matt [2192] online
Date : 25 March 07 @ 8:43:11 pm
Subject : RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:(No Subject)

yes, we offered different amounts at different times. the 800k at the beginning was in order to avoid conflict completely. the 1.2 was only because Zen asked us to try and deal. you turned both down. 800k is your best offer to date, yes, but we feel that 400k is much more fair.

To: Matt [2192] RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:(No Subject)
8:48:11 pm
So is 400k your offer then?

Sender : Matt [2192] online
Date : 25 March 07 @ 8:49:32 pm
Subject : RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:(No Subject)

400k is our offer, yes.

- TheGeek - 2007.Mar.25 08:20 PM

I don't know what Matt and those guys story is, I haven't spoke to them. They may be straight up looking at numbers and dollar signs.

But for me and the people I spoke with who were directly or indirectly affected by the whole fiasco, it wasn't about money. It was about principle.

Its about the arrogance in just proclaiming that you were going to get reimbursed.

It was about the pride of not admitting that you got taken, fairly and by the rules.

And most of all it was the attitude that anyone suspected of being involved or affiliated with the perps were automatically guilty by association and the reprocussions some of them unfairly had to suffer.

Its not who you are or what you say that defines you, its what you do and how you do it.

k, thanks.

- steven2006 - 2007.Mar.25 09:04 PM

lol All I have to say is Matt and his crew of two better figure out something soon because they're getting wrecked by the Elders

- matt5250 - 2007.Mar.25 09:19 PM

Well, first off it was originally about reimbursing ourselves for the losses we have suffered at the hands of the elders. It was also so that we could keep the money and show the elders that being the most powerful would not get them whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted.

The Elders have been complete and utter donkeybums towards us under absolutely no provocation on 5 separate occasions. disbanding our gangs, repeatedly hospitalizing us and basically just being miserable people. We mugged trips becauase it was an opportunity to get our money back. We have not complained about being hospitalized, even though we did not even steal any money from the people hospitalizing us.

Anyone who believes we are the bad guys here is free to side with the elders.

Please refrain from profanities Matt.

- steven2006 - 2007.Mar.25 09:30 PM

Matt I have learned that profanity in the Forums gets you nowhere. So what I'll do for you is give you a week free of my Anger Management 101 class. Please, take one of the stress balls to the right, take two if you need to. Here is your form you can fill out and return to me:


Date Of Birth:_______________

Reason for attending: Stress (filled that out for you :wink: )

# Classes you Wish to Attend:________________ (I recommend you do them all)

Who Referred You To AM: DareDevil A.K.A The Teach

Please return this form on the first day, which is tomorrow at 10:00 am server time.

Also not there are NO guns, swords, or hand grenades allowed in this class!

- matt5250 - 2007.Mar.25 09:45 PM


- Nightrain - 2007.Mar.25 09:56 PM


you go and spin it,You keep saying we complain or our sob story or upset about being in the hospital.

but you know what I think rather than me try to explain things perhaps I should let your own teamate better explain

The below was in response to your generous post of having the innocent players pay the 250k

nightrain Sent at: March 23, 2007, 5:35:11 pm

Hey you know.
I havent complained and actually never will no matter how long this goes on.
But you and I both know that trying to take the money from players that had nothing to do with this other than having been in the same gang as me no matter how you want to spin it is wrong.

Doesnt really matter how you want to justify it.its just another form of tyranny.
Thats really the one point that actually bothers me. but hey you play the game how you see fit.

Sarge 23.Mar.07 We have and will continue to play it 'how we see fit'.

Problem is, I know you are just mentally stunted enough to take your repetitive beating and not flinch or blink at all. This is why we have turned our attention to your 'friends'.

You can try to make a martyr of yourself if you like, but eventually someone's 'resolve' will be broken, if not yours, then the people that you are closest to in AL's will.

Nightrain March 23, 2007, 5:58:09 pm
Total shame isnt it.

Im not looking to be a martyr. I actually do like the game and feel bad I cant play.. but I knew that was gonna happen
before i hit that attack button on chris and tripst.

in any case you enjoy. and as to me being mental. yeah I guess I am. Id better go see a doctor about it. Ill let you know the results when they come back

- Chris Mangano - 2007.Mar.25 10:12 PM

I just posted that because a lot of people outside of those involved have been mailing us saying we should stop because it isn't fair to the ones getting hit. Just wanted everyone to see that you guys obviously aren't too bothered about it since you continue to refuse to negotiate with us.

- TheGeek - 2007.Mar.25 10:21 PM

Probably should have thought about that before you "asked" other members of the community to pick up the tab. =\

k, thanks.

- steven2006 - 2007.Mar.25 10:23 PM

I think you need to get some milk and cookies (PRO!! cannot go wrong with milk and cookies Biggrin ) and sit and talk about this.

I have to agree though, hospitalizing people who clearly had nothing to do with it is wrong. I don't know the whole story and to be honest I don't care. Something needs to be done and fast