I would love to see a daily XP logger but I think we're good w/ the combat poi as it is. Adding an XP one would be similar to having one for gym development pts. . . the Higher lvls would always be @ the top by the nature of the system but wouldn't really differentiate between who made more attacks or w/ the gym rat ladder who "spent the most time", which I'm still not exactly sure what it means.
I would really like to see more items added if anything, how about actually using the collectables category. Make 4 items that offer +1 of each battle stat, you can only carry one @ a time. Much like a borg but w/o the Humanity loss.
I have a bunch of ideas like this as I'm sure many others do . . . so really I would most like to see an attentive admin who is as interested in developing the game as much as the players. Sorry Zen you seem to be very nice but maybe after 4 years your interest lie somewhere else rather than this game. I don't blame you but maybe its time to get someone new to develop more stuff more frequently.
Sorry if this is too looooonnnnnggg.