oh i participate with my gang, just not in wars. i love how nobody gets the point. you are warring, so you are helping me be strong, and we are all capitalizing on that. its ok, keep gang warring. you will be way more active than i am but you wont catch up because theres no XP in it.
of all the people that gang war like mad, only like 5% of them are stronger than i am, and thats because.. well.. they are awesome and i cant compete with that. regardless, my point remains. i help my gang in other ways, not stupid ways like warring.
as i've said before, gang wars are essentially ANOTHER GAME. you donate real cash to play AL, you donate your AP to play gang wars. since i dont donate my real life cash i can save for stuff i like (and i dont have a great job, so i need to do that, not knocking the donators, they help the game continue to run), and since i dont donate my AP i get to keep my in game cash and give loans to gang members, buy housing, buy endurance.
seriously, keep it up with the gang wars

i'm NOT telling you to stop, because i want to try and get into the top 40 PoI