What should I do with credits?
Post them without using direct to bank and let people mug 7.32%
drec92, Lucky666, shark24
3 7.32%
Post in bulks of 500 for cheap prices, direct to bank 34.15%
alinutza, BDJoker37, bigchaz, Bigrod, Canosoup, catalyst, DirkDanja, Duchbag69, Jolabent, JREwing, matcauthon, NiteSlayer, shadowinc, skornn027
14 34.15%
Find the most disliked person in game and give it to him 9.76%
gemini4256, spacebird, SuperDave, TommiTheTaco
4 9.76%
Vendor sell and give it to an inactive 0%
0 0%
Just tease people with them on credit market 9.76%
backfromhell, HeadBustin, NastyFO, StreetSamurai
4 9.76%
Make a competition for credit rewards 26.83%
Accipender, bconrad56, Creepazoid, filthymick, InPaceRequiscat, jamiewhite, kalamari00, Lucaskid64, Mock8800, NehrGodly, Spikelancelot
11 26.83%
Let them rot 4.88%
abysmalpoptart, GlennQuagmire
2 4.88%
Vendor sell and waste on roulette 4.88%
johnsonhalo76, RenegadeJEDI
2 4.88%
Stop trying to get rid of them 2.44%
1 2.44%
Give to admin 0%
0 0%
Total: 41 votes 100%