As much as I like the fact that there's some modding going on, ain't there a point to where you have to dim down the lights and take things slow? Don't need to lock, move, and delete every thread with a little bit wrong with it.
You know, I would ordinarily sympathize and say, "Yeah, we should step down a bit on activity and let you have free reign," but seeing the forum and the shape it's in, no way.
I, and I think I speak for the other active mods, will not step down from increased activity until some of the adolescent behavior is gone. I mean, big part of the crowd here is actually people that are 25+ in age. And yet I see demands that you should be able to bash and create lynchmobs in forum, I see demands that you want to be able to curse, and get upset when attempts on masking curses get edited.
So I think we are needed at this point.
Most every time, though? Almost every thread that's gone even slightly awry that could wait for a reasonable answer to the person's opinion gets shifted in some fashion.
Could slow down a little bit. Let some threads truly run their course, rather than dooming it the second it presents danger.
Mod the crap. Keep it up.
(2009.Dec.16 12:23 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Could slow down a little bit. Let some threads truly run their course, rather than dooming it the second it presents danger.
That's how we got to dong bags, though. Give an inch, and people start taking a foot. Let them, they take the foot for granted and start asking for legs.
Whoever tried to stop it was ostracized and ridiculed almost instantly.
+1 to Druch for cleaning up this mess.
Yeah I quite agree, and I want to let threads run their course and only remove posts that are disruptive. Because once a topic is fully discussed it can change to be about something else in the same thread.
I just want people to quit replying with aggression against everyone, I want people to think 3 seconds before they click the "Post Reply" button. I wish people would just read the forum rules.
Then things would just be peachy!
And a lot of threads the OP have asked for to be locked him or herself.
[edit] Thanks Chymere and McCule
Can I still post random pictures illustrating my point?
ofc, as long as they aren't xrated. I believe you can remember SG and his thousands of pictures "illustrating his points" and remember that we let pictures slide unless they were over the line.
But then, I have to say it again, as long as people doesn't demand to stretch the forum rules, you are allowed to play in here and do everything you want. Begin abusing pictures, and it will be cracked down on.
Alright. It's something funny, but it illustrates my point quite clearly.
So you made this thread to say I like porn? Well I thought you were commenting on the recent modding, but then again I often misread.