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Full Version: Bashing Threads
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Userid: 2366
Level: 42

I don't like these bashing threads, and if the rude posting continues then there will be warnings.

Are you serious? You close a thread because people are "rude" or bashing? Find a single friggin thread on this site that doesn't include "rude" responses or "bashing" and I will tell Taco boy he is my king and I will bow at the alter of his retardedness (oops, was that rude).
haha i bet druchi gives you warning. i personally agree that those whole threads bashing someone get old. and you oughta give up on tommi. you were bashing jinx in his thread earlier now you're back to tommi.
oooppppsss!!!! is that rude
Sometimes when a player is bullied, he/she has no recourse other than to "bash" on a thread. What the hell else do you have to do while sitting in hosp for 3 hours? I do agree that some of them are boring, but that is the beuty of TV, radio or a blog. You have the choice to spent time looking at what you find interesting and ignore what you find boring.

P.S. Why would I be warned for starting a thread asking why one particular thread was closed for the same violation that 99% of the threads on AL include?
(2009.Dec.12 05:04 PM)BigUncleC Wrote: [ -> ]

Now get to bowing Twisted

asked for it'd

That's no stinkin' thread. You need to find a stinkin' thread. That is a trade forum.
And because people love to stretch the rules too far, we aren't allowed to say enough is enough?

I think you need to work out what's more important for you, being in a forum that is fun to chat on, or being on a forum where you are constantly insulted.

I have given you my response and henceforth I am locking the thread, if you wish to prolong this conversation take it to pm.

[edit] Being in hospital doesn't legitimize over the top language. It might tick you off having someone constantly hospitalize you, but showing it on forum only lets them know they won. This is a game, and losing a few hours playing time will have nothing to say in the long run, trust me I know.
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