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low hosp times on zercks are saddening me

im trygin to give you a few hundred gd dollors, but if my zercks get 70 and 90 mins compared to over 300 min hosps i get on me....then no uh this.

good day.
I made banana bread, you want some?
Like a fat kid on cake!
as much as i think its silly to whine (mmmm cheese...), i think maybe initial bruts/hosps should warrant slightly larger hosp times maybe? 70/90 mins is a bit low for a hosp when ur fighting with higher levels...

a hosp on a level 20 player that may be fair, but if in the 30s and higher, uh uh..


Tommi will be in this thread any moment now.
Zerk times do blow


(2009.Dec.11 08:50 AM)DustiWoot Wrote: [ -> ]I made banana bread, you want some?

yes please =)
Wish I could just mail some out to everyone. Smile It's awesome stuff!


I don't know why you just don't hosp me boy, you have better battle stats than me, go on you know you can.
(2009.Dec.11 08:49 AM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]ZEN...your STUPID

Uh, it's "You're"

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