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Full Version: Raped and pillaged werewolf village
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(2009.Dec.10 04:43 PM)ClosedCasket Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Dec.10 04:35 PM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]i got owned by candy i mean closedcasket Razz

Hey! I don't get down like viPer! Don't call me Candy,,,sounds like a stripper name

i dont get it ?
(2009.Dec.10 04:35 PM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]i got owned by candy i mean closedcasket Razz

easy champ...woulda never called if somebody didn't end up on the attack logs. Wink
Don't mind Hunter, I've been known to own him, too. Wink
am i the only one that confused someone please explain?
now you all have lost me (feels dumb)
(2009.Dec.11 10:48 AM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]now you all have lost me (feels dong)
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