We've played the game for +1000 days rising to as you all say "the top" spending a lot of RL cash in some instances. Nothing stopped anyone else doing the same. We play the game that is available to us. We will not give up what we have created. As you wouldnt or diss or val or wranglers. ONLY two people can dictate what happens when a gang gets to no1
Zen and Err.
Ask Raf. Sarge deleted every gang he was ever a member of.
Zen and Err changed the game from that to what it is now. The irony is. If they hadnt then SV would probably have been deleted because demolition were a hell of a lot harder than we are. But so would everyones gang, cos thats what they did.
Zen and Err over to you. Lobby them, not us. It seems multiple attacks may be on the horizon. That may change things.
So we've taken all the fun out if the game have we?...and yet they still come back and 'play' well log in and click a few times and sulk in the forums

did it ever occur to anyone that it takes addiction and dedication and smarts to get to the top....yes without the initial investment id def not be on the top of battle stats, but without the incredible amount of time ive put into the game, just like alot of svs and yes some vs are gonna be great players too....we quit recruiting a year ago btw.....seems that great players are attracted to the like...remember wook....

ush and thor...all were svs
(2009.Dec.10 10:10 AM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]Kinda wrong, X,vall diss even to an extent sw took a vote and we voted not to retaliate to any degree. Its not that we couldn't, we could have whooped all those tin pot vill suckup gangs and given sv's a right old pasting, we just decided it was going to be a fail for the vills.
Kinda don't tell us what to do. We will bring it when we are good and ready not when someone clicks their fingers.
Lets see where to start
"Lmao is that what you were told to post, we never fought back because we would have just won"
How would you know, no-one talks to the vills whatsoever. How do you know what has been discussed in private? Are you trying to say you have hacked the game and can read private mails? Or are you saying your Zen's multi, cause from here you have absolutely no farging idea what has been talked about.
Hmm Im really not sure if you are that dumb or if its the fact you have posted so much crap you have forgot what you said. Let me break it down for you I READ IT IN YOUR POST. ("we could have whooped all those tin pot vill suckup gangs and given sv's a right old pasting") do you ever remember posting that.
"lol I could have sworn 99% of the posts were you had no hope in beating us so why even try bla bla cry cry."
Never have I once complained or mentioned anything of the sort. All my posts have been stirring the pot, not whimpering. I could care less about a war, it won't be the first or last time I slap your arse's in game, just not happening when you say so.
Read my post it reads 99% of THE posts, not 99% of your posts or 99% of JohnRambos posts. I was talking about all the posts as a whole, its not all about you
"Grow a back bone and plz try and remember what this game used to be. Or is that were we went wrong, when we were the baby gang and the big gangs came calling we knew we could never win but made sure they at least went home with a bloody nose instead of rolling over and playing possum.
Funny how someone can care so little but post so much about the same thing day in day out or is that what you do in retirement?"
I seem to remember a war around this time last year when I went and miffed over 3/4 of your gang for over a week. I seem to remember having 100+ daily hosp's on your members. I seem to remember the whining little mails from you lot asking me to leave you alone. I seem to remember much more than you lackey dork.
I remember a player tryed to tell us how things were going to happen, and when we never did what we were told that player, then started hosping our gang. Then when he saw he had bite of more than he could chew ran to get help.
I also remember we were the ones getting begged to stop in the end.
Funny how the facts remember it different.
The facts remember it different as well funny that, but then why let facts get in the way of a good lynching huh?
(2009.Dec.10 06:45 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]That is almost a third of the players who are off limits. Couple that with even attacking an SV member offline and legal like will result in an online retaliation. How you can't see you guys are boring this game to death, yes SV, you are keeping others from playing the game the way they want to play it. The result is you ruining the game! You have worked hard to achieve what you have achieved and have grown into the strongest, unopposed gang in AL.
You got any more jokes, Dingus? Just because you guys have no balls doesn't mean to can play the ignorant card.
Lol, you guys still don't get it. The fact you are top isn't what is being complained about. Not what level you are, how much RL cash you spent or we didnt spend. The problem is that no one can do ANYTHING without SV stepping in and getting involved. THAT is ruining the game.
(2009.Dec.10 11:29 AM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ]Lol, you guys still don't get it. The fact you are top isn't what is being complained about. Not what level you are, how much RL cash you spent or we didnt spend. The problem is that no one can do ANYTHING without SV stepping in and getting involved. THAT is ruining the game.
Y'all should pull a Dissidence.

Get stronger because the bully's picking on you, and beat the bully at their own game. It's not a hard feat.
(2009.Dec.10 11:32 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Dec.10 11:29 AM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ]Lol, you guys still don't get it. The fact you are top isn't what is being complained about. Not what level you are, how much RL cash you spent or we didnt spend. The problem is that no one can do ANYTHING without SV stepping in and getting involved. THAT is ruining the game.
Y'all should pull a Dissidence.
Get stronger because the bully's picking on you, and beat the bully at their own game. It's not a hard feat.
Or SV could mind their own business. Easy solution.
(2009.Dec.10 11:29 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Dec.10 06:45 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]That is almost a third of the players who are off limits. Couple that with even attacking an SV member offline and legal like will result in an online retaliation. How you can't see you guys are boring this game to death, yes SV, you are keeping others from playing the game the way they want to play it. The result is you ruining the game! You have worked hard to achieve what you have achieved and have grown into the strongest, unopposed gang in AL.
You got any more jokes, Dingus? Just because you guys have no balls doesn't mean to can play the ignorant card.
Do the truffle shuffle lard ass
(2009.Dec.10 11:32 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Dec.10 11:29 AM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ]Lol, you guys still don't get it. The fact you are top isn't what is being complained about. Not what level you are, how much RL cash you spent or we didnt spend. The problem is that no one can do ANYTHING without SV stepping in and getting involved. THAT is ruining the game.
Y'all should pull a Dissidence.
Get stronger because the bully's picking on you, and beat the bully at their own game. It's not a hard feat.
They got better once they shed quite a bit of dead weight I hear-You're a VERY effective player when being protected.