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(2009.Dec.07 03:45 PM)g2o2d4wp Wrote: [ -> ]how the hell are pun & cheetah 43 & 46 on that list

Same reason SB is no1
(2009.Dec.07 03:45 PM)g2o2d4wp Wrote: [ -> ]how the hell are pun & cheetah 43 & 46 on that list

My guess would be cuz they are not melee.
(2009.Dec.07 03:46 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Dec.07 03:45 PM)g2o2d4wp Wrote: [ -> ]how the hell are pun & cheetah 43 & 46 on that list

Same reason SB is no1

there are a lot of less powerful players higher that are not melee
cheetah and pun really aren't that strong...they are paper lions.

even so, it probably has something to do with their weapon choice.
(2009.Dec.07 03:59 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]cheetah and pun really aren't that strong...they are paper lions.

even so, it probably has something to do with their weapon choice.

i dont think its bc of their weapon choice. i think they have the same one me and howls and others use that are on there. i remember trying to pissssoff w00k and making fun of him bc he wasnt anywhere on the top 100 list, even in his prime. ive theorized to myself why some big hitters dont have the biggest hits, but i cant figure it out.
not like it matters much, both can take 99% of AL in 10 rounds or less.
bottom line skills and weapon choice determines top max hit.....along with stats in some manner i havent figured out....any equal special of a market weapon will always have higher possible max crits, hideout hits or both.....also weak ass players with high hp and low dex give you better chances for high crits...there you go
I suspect Borgs keep the high hits at bay to some extent. Could be wrong but I never am.


The reason pun and cheetah aren't up there, I have a few theories, they enjoy b1tch slapping us around too much to crit us,,,

because pun uses his johnson as a melée weapon
and pun won't let cheetah crit,,,

or maybe Zen just feels bad for us,,,
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