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Full Version: WTF happened?
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it is kinda nice to know people are just pi$$ing away their candy to get a fancy number to look at.

1 ~RifRaf~ Smiley 4,823

That is nuts! These candies are amazing!
I'm sure Zen will see they are to powerful and downgrade them before I use mine Wink[/i]

Anyone tried to take on one of the big guns yet, who would normally get killed?
(2009.Dec.02 11:57 AM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]LOL

Anyone tried to take on one of the big guns yet, who would normally get killed?

you better hope they didn't eat candy too



smiley tried ush and got nailed like a 6 dollar hooker !
(2009.Dec.02 12:26 PM)ClosedCasket Wrote: [ -> ]smiley tried ush and got nailed like a 6 dollar hooker !

I banged him 3 times... but knew not what the power of candy really was.... I have been hasteful.. lmao
These hits can't really stay in the POI can they? Like Weebs said, it just makes it redundant.
Read Zens response. She says we shouldn't be concerned
(2009.Dec.02 01:31 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Read Zens response. She says we shouldn't be concerned

I skimmed and didn't see it. Self facepalm.
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