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Full Version: Smilies
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Sup with my smilie malfunction? I am a fan of smilie useage, but when I click, I get squat (dirty minds).
Are you using IE8? I get no smilies or html when I use IE8.
Winky mozilla firefox
(2009.Nov.30 09:14 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]Are you using IE8? I get no smilies or html when I use IE8.

Is that Russian? Me no speakie.


(2009.Nov.30 09:14 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]Are you using IE8? I get no smilies or html when I use IE8.
Are you using Internet Explorer 8? When I'm using Internet Explorer 8, the smilies don't work when I click on them, and the html buttons don't appear for me to click.
[Image: firefox-vs-internet-explorer.jpg]


Ninja Twisted
Pages: 1 2 3
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