hi, just wana ask the veterans of AL.. a person gains 5 credits if his referred friend reaches 3,5,10 right? i also heard that being a donator or having the donator status increases the points u gain.. so how does this actually work? exmple, my friend reaches lvl3 while im not a donator, so if i become a donator 1st before i convert my points into credits, will i get more? or do i hav 2 b a donator wen my friend actually reaches lvl3 to gain more points?? really having a problem stating my question. hope u guyz cud bare with me

5 credits? I know that as a donator I get 10 credits per each referral reaching 3,5,10.
If you are only receiving 5 credits per referral reaching each mark, then as a donator you get double the points.
Once the points are earned, there in no changing the amount received. So the answer to your question would have to be no, you will not get more credits for donating after your referral has earned you credits.
a ok.. so i shud tell my referred friends 2 notify me 1st if hes about 2 lvl and then become a donator.. lol thnx! :massivegrin:
Donate now! Save the fish

Eaglefreak Wrote:5 credits? I know that as a donator I get 10 credits per each referral reaching 3,5,10.
If you are only receiving 5 credits per referral reaching each mark, then as a donator you get double the points.
Once the points are earned, there in no changing the amount received. So the answer to your question would have to be no, you will not get more credits for donating after your referral has earned you credits.
i only get 5 credits when my refferral reach lvl 3,5.. while having a Donator status (i get it at donator house using credit).
From what are u saying, should'nt i get 10 for being a donator? :?:
You should get 100 points when your referrals reaches lvl 3 and 5 (can't say for lvl 10, my referrals aren't there yet).
Ask Zen if you don't get that.
you get the SAME points for referrals donator or not, BUT you should only use those points as a donator
if you have 100 points and CONVERT them as a non-donator, you get 5 credits
if you have 100 points and CONVERT them as a donator, you get 10 credits
simple as that
save your points
In order to get the double referral conversion rate, you need to have donated in the past. Donator days do not trigger this, only an actual donation.
how do you gain
"Bonus Points Earned"
in the referall area?