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Pages: 1 2


3000+ damage yayaaaa

Opponent Type Result Rounds Hits Inflicted Taken Resisted Best
Mats Fullar leave win 15 7 3,012 4 291 672



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I realize English is a complicated language but try reading it again and sound it out this time.


how lame
endees, enndees18 ...

(2009.Nov.29 10:40 AM)Gornikel Wrote: [ -> ]endees, enndees18 ...


trust me they are completely different people, you can read our mass mails to figure that out.
Multi Multi Multi
hate to call off the witch hunt, but if they were multis I think somebody would have caught it. At least I would hope so. That close in name and age, I'm sure they've been watched


yh zen knows the reason with the names were nto multis just freinds in real life
Pages: 1 2
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