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Full Version: What's the point?
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(2009.Nov.27 10:41 AM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.27 10:39 AM)peteycrack Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.27 09:12 AM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.27 07:36 AM)2asandab Wrote: [ -> ]What is the point of the contests if there is no reward or character gains made. I participated in the Halloween Contest w/ the impression that there would be a mass reward (ie ghoulache, Easter egg). If there isn't a mass reward or even xp gain for every successful treat, what is the point of participating unless you plan on playing for the overwhelming majority of the day? Is it just because it is something different to do even though it is completely unproductive? No participation rewards, for me at least, make the contest really lose their luster. Thoughts?

I already have my halloween candy and my bonuses and prizes from yesterday will be here this afternoon. I you dont have yours I would mail Zen.

*lights torch* *passes out pitchforks*

*Put on invisible cloak I won at yesterdays event*

psh, invisible cloak... I got the arcology castle. 5000 happiness, no big deal or anything.
My arcology castle floats on a cloud made from tears of unborn babies. 6500 happiness.
hahahahah Im drunk and my happines is 10.000 and bcking on toping
If you dont like competition just dont participate in it, there will be some who like it and tht is the point
It's your choice to participate or not. Some comps (mainly the straight up activity based ones) i never do, i just take advantage of the fact the all my best xp targets will be available and do some leveling.
(2009.Nov.27 12:01 PM)nathanket Wrote: [ -> ]It's your choice to participate or not. Some comps (mainly the straight up activity based ones) i never do, i just take advantage of the fact the all my best xp targets will be available and do some leveling.

hehehhe thats true I organized compatition myslef and evryone complaiment apart winer lol


And this one had a random/luck winner and an activity-based winner if I remember reading Zenith's post correctly. Most turkeys in a battle and total # of turkeys. Can't make it much better than that.
The point of it all is that there is no point. Also, don't post in the forums so the haters direct their ignorance at each other. Its more entertaining that way.
(2009.Nov.27 11:23 AM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]My arcology castle floats on a cloud made from tears of unborn babies. 6500 happiness.

I made that cloud, and was given access to 7 laws credit vault in return.
The point of a competition is to compete. We only got Ghoulache etc because there was a glitch in the comp if I remember correctly.

We have gym days once a month as a lovely gift for everyone, comps are just a little bit of optional fun for holidays.
(2009.Nov.27 07:51 AM)2asandab Wrote: [ -> ]lmao I knew some1 would say "stop whining" . . . I'm not

You are. End of story. Stop b itching.
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