why do i have to lose 500 exp from biting off to someone (like SG)?
i would think i GAINED experience from the fight. makes more sense for me to gain 100 for losing, than lose 500. do i get an Amen?
is the xp you lose equal to the xp he gets? i have been curious about this, but lazy to ask
No. At least for me if I bite off with someone I don't lose as much as I would have gained.
(2009.Nov.23 03:36 PM)alinutza Wrote: [ -> ]is the xp you lose equal to the xp he gets? i have been curious about this, but lazy to ask
i don't think so because i've asked people what they get when i get beat and it's usually around 60-70 when i loose like 150-220.
I just want to post something in this thread that won't get modded
Wow. Why are they going so mod-crazy?
(2009.Nov.23 05:31 PM)bconrad56 Wrote: [ -> ]Wow. Why are they going so mod-crazy?
Because the mods have been catching heat. When mods catch heat they start to mod better