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If any of my gang members have any questions about our gang contest plz post them here.
Yeah, how much can I win son?


Well superdude this contest was created for Tachyon members only sorry. But this is how it works. Check out my gang announcment.

Ok everyone we're going to have a little contest. This is a game loyalty contest. Bacily you will show Awakened lands and your gang how much you love Awakened lands and your gang by voting for your Favorite game, Awakened lands! Everyone can win a bit of cash doing this. All you have to do once each day is vote for Awakened lands in the voting booth. You must vote for at all three sights to get credit. Once you've voted at all three sights you must copy and paste me the voting booth screen... BEFORE, That day is over so that I can see your validated votes for Our game Awakened lands. Tomorrow, Monday, November the 23 rd will not count as a credit. But plz vote so that we can get any kinks out before the contest. On Tues November, 24 th will be the first day of the contest and it will run till December the 8th. Each day that you vote even if your not in the lead I will send you 250 for that day. Everyone is eligible and should try to win the top prize. After the two weeks is up we will see who has cast the most votes and that person will win a 25,000 prize. And second place will take home 10,000. Oh, in case of a tie the players that are tied will have to continue voting till someone breaks the tie or forgets to vote one day, "NOTE after December 8 th, in the case of the tiebreaker you will not be paid 250 for each vote yet will still have to send me your validated votes". Unless otherwise stated by me, and we make a new tie breaker! This is just a little fun contest only for our gang. I hope that you all enjoy and plz mail me tomorrow with all your questions concerning this matter! AKACommander
I'll match the 25k and 10k to make it 50k and 20k


RE: AKACommander gang contest! Post: #4

Userid: 27305
Level: 17
Seven Sins

I'll match the 25k and 10k to make it 50k and 20k

What do you mean bro?
i will give 25k as well to your first place winner, and another 10k to your second place, because, tbh, not many people will even bother for so little money.

Good idea though


RE: AKACommander gang contest! Post: #4

Userid: 27305
Level: 17
Seven Sins

I'll match the 25k and 10k to make it 50k and 20k

If your willing to do that I'm sure the winners of the contest would be greatly appreciative of that!!
That does sound cool InPaceRequiscat... Thank you!
i'll pay you 50k to stop trying to use the public forums as if it were a private gang subforum
Poptart, you can pay me 5 grand to hosp his whole gang on comp day
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