ALers browsing this forum: jockpaul, 2 Invisible User(s), 3 Guest(s)
2 invisible users?
i'm blind...u cant see me

(2009.Nov.21 02:07 AM)nathanket Wrote: [ -> ]ALers browsing this forum: jockpaul, 2 Invisible User(s), 3 Guest(s)
2 invisible users?
Yeah.....that would be Dingus and Stupordude. They like to imagine they are invisible while streaking on golf courses with sparklers..........hands on schlongs..........

They like to stand naked in the corner at parties and pretend ppl can't see them but really everyone has already seen them and the amusement has passed!
(2009.Nov.21 03:51 AM)hardasgranite Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah.....that would be Dingus and Stupordude. They like to imagine they are invisible while streaking on golf courses with sparklers..........hands on schlongs..........
The sad part is you are the one watching us watch others. Your just jealous because there are no sparklers in your part of the world.
Funny stupordude......because I am a fireman I can only regulate pyro.
However, because I have extensive training in IED's and those ingredients I can make my
I doubt you are a fireman or are qualified to do much of anything. Hell you fail at modding a stupid forum, theres no way you could be trusted with a hunk of boom stick.....wait that term might get you off....lets stick to explosives then.
CNMI Fire Dept.
Ask for Lt. Elder
Just because post pics where you wear a shirt with an F on it while trying to be cool in your sandles while wearing socks, doesnt make you a FF.
