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Full Version: Batman Re-Retired?
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Pages: 1 2
(2009.Nov.18 11:50 PM)NastyFO Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.18 07:10 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]he is a beast of a 40 also. i've made the mistake of attacking him w/o a belt before.


You're being sarcastic, right. I truly thought he was weak.

He's recently attacked me and lost.

yup, definitely being sarcastic.
He bites off to me about every other time. He isnt that tough. lol If he dropped the belt he is toast.
(2009.Nov.19 01:10 AM)McCule Wrote: [ -> ]Who cares?

2nd time we've agreed. What is happening!?!
a legend retires and you guys act like you don't care? guys wouldn't be writing these things if he was still active.
He will be back. He's busy at school and girls. *notice the S.

sounds like Batman. Wink
(2009.Nov.19 09:54 AM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]He will be back. He's busy at school and girls. *notice the S.

sounds like Batman. Wink

yeap that's him...
bastard's getting drunk on the beach while i'm freezing my ballz in canada Evil
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