I find myself being more and more useless at busting anyone out of jail.
Including self busts my average percentage is 52% anyone worse than this?
Luck has been down here as well. Not at 52 percent though....lol
49% here. successes + caught + failed / total busts. ouch.
51.59% here
Attempts 5,285
Successes 2,727
Attempts 1,374
Successes 754
Caught 480
Failed but Escaped 140
(2009.Nov.13 08:28 AM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]49% here. successes + caught + failed / total busts. ouch.
yea but considering you don't gang war, i'd imagine you don't "waste" too many ap's on jail busting attempts.
(2009.Nov.13 08:28 AM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]49% here. successes + caught + failed / total busts. ouch.
Not following your maths there Pop. Surely successes / attempts * 100
Im suck
Attempts 1,363
Successes 594
Jail Bust History
Attempts 874
Successes 463
Caught 323
mere oversight, really. same %, busts / attempts
2148 attempts, 1053 busts..
i'd bust more but i got on a really bad busting fail spree and stopped. it hurt pretty badly actually.