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since we have so many useless threads I deside to created anather one
Why the heck all NPC are males?
yea, how about a mean big tittied sexy broad. 6' 2" red hair, short shorts, wife beater shirt with a vicious roundhouse and a shotgun with #2 shot.


You mean your man feelings won't be hurt, if you get beat by a girl?
It wouldnt be the first time. And who knows, I may like it. Winky Plus I have no heart which equals no feelings either.


OK then......Why else would there be no female NPC's?


California State Law
I think that Dingus and Spacebird are still afraid that girls have cooties.
(2009.Nov.11 09:37 PM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ]I think that Dingus and Spacebird are still afraid that girls have cooties.

not something to joke about.
(2009.Nov.11 09:37 PM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ]I think that Dingus and Spacebird are still afraid that girls have cooties.

Full Body Condom'd
trying times call for unique ways to save money...

[Image: used_rubbers-1.jpg]
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