should not apply to someone in a gang.

they attacked us
I noticed that too. A level 4 a couple weeks old. Should be able to hit them in a war. Could a level 10 hit them in a war? Or 5? Whats the cut off?
in a gang should be fair matter how old or whether they've hit anyone or not.
(2009.Nov.04 08:03 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]in a gang should be fair matter how old or whether they've hit anyone or not.
Agree'd... if you are in a gang you made a choice! this is the group you are willing to fight for. This is the group you are willing to take a beating for...
nothing more nothing less!
Level means nothing!!!
Hmmmmm. This is how to take down SV. Kick everyone in your gang and bring aboard all the newbs.

(2009.Nov.04 08:03 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]in a gang should be fair matter how old or whether they've hit anyone or not.