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(2009.Nov.06 11:39 AM)EightStarPoints Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.02 02:39 PM)sufy121s Wrote: [ -> ]w00t im rank 43

gratz eightstar ur rank 6 refresher, and gratz to all other dis members. the rest, idc

lol i could have won, could only play for half the day... had a huge party to go to lol

Sorry hun,,,but even playing half the day you did not even find half the candy I did,,,and I stopped trying for 3 hours anyway,,,

not to be mean,,,but I may have dropped another hundo on the contest if I felt it was close
(2009.Nov.06 01:23 PM)ClosedCasket Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.06 11:39 AM)EightStarPoints Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.02 02:39 PM)sufy121s Wrote: [ -> ]w00t im rank 43

gratz eightstar ur rank 6 refresher, and gratz to all other dis members. the rest, idc

lol i could have won, could only play for half the day... had a huge party to go to lol

Sorry hun,,,but even playing half the day you did not even find half the candy I did,,,and I stopped trying for 3 hours anyway,,,

not to be mean,,,but I may have dropped another hundo on the contest if I felt it was close

I like your style CC !!!


(2009.Nov.06 01:23 PM)ClosedCasket Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.06 11:39 AM)EightStarPoints Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.02 02:39 PM)sufy121s Wrote: [ -> ]w00t im rank 43

gratz eightstar ur rank 6 refresher, and gratz to all other dis members. the rest, idc

lol i could have won, could only play for half the day... had a huge party to go to lol

Sorry hun,,,but even playing half the day you did not even find half the candy I did,,,and I stopped trying for 3 hours anyway,,,

not to be mean,,,but I may have dropped another hundo on the contest if I felt it was close

That's cause I have better things to waste my money on - oh yeah, and I have a life Smile


I said I wasn't trying to be mean and you didn't need to take offense.

I have a life too and AL is part if it.

The cost of living where I am at is not that bad so I can be okay with it.

So your insult was uncalled for,,,o could have said I could have lost the comp
but I didn't could haves and should haves
(2009.Nov.06 04:48 PM)EightStarPoints Wrote: [ -> ]That's cause I have better things to waste my money on - oh yeah, and I have a life Smile

That's nice. Why're you playing an online game again? That life thing sure sounds interesting.
(2009.Nov.06 05:03 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Nov.06 04:48 PM)EightStarPoints Wrote: [ -> ]That's cause I have better things to waste my money on - oh yeah, and I have a life Smile

That's nice. Why're you playing an online game again? That life thing sure sounds interesting.

some people play online games while doing other things...i am seldomly just sitting here playing AL...


Thank you mr Norris Sir

I play everwhere,,,I bought an I-phone just for my AL
I have it right there when I turn it on
sorry, I may be a fackin tool but I do not judge people how they live their lives.
(2009.Nov.06 05:21 PM)ClosedCasket Wrote: [ -> ]...I bought an I-phone just for my AL...

lmfao, im about to do the same thing =D
dont do it....verizon is way better
(2009.Nov.06 07:22 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]dont do it....verizon is way better

i have sprint. the browser is ok but i use the new Opera Mini on my Lotus and its awesome.
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