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Full Version: The Red Cross?
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I like the Cross as its the same as the England flag, the George Cross. Biggrin


brythompson Wrote:I like the Cross as its the same as the England flag, the George Cross. Biggrin
Should we use the US flag to state people are in prison??

Oops, did I just said that out loud? :oops:
What are you talking about, we let people out because there is no room Smile
why, because we have a penal system that actually works half the time?
wow zenith replied before me. doody.
very insightful wolvey, very insightful
hehe, sorry. in a good mood and all these changes have me stoked. Oh man. I could have a beer. mmm. Yeah. I will. This has nothing to do with this thread. Sorry. Please don't reply Smile
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