Its only a lousy replica of the belt we have hidden away. We are still the champs. *crowd cheers*
Just one of the many. I even see you in the pic!
Please note the distinct lack of trim in their cheering section.
B just happen to post a pic of the fruitcup cheering section that JR "just happened" to be in. The rest of the pics with pics of all the fine women are in our private forums.
(2009.Nov.10 07:51 PM)Marlo Wrote: [ -> ]Please note the distinct lack of trim in their cheering section.
the trim is backstage.
actually...a couple are onstage...with phreakdog.....letting him do his thing. thats obviously one reason they are cheerring.
this has got to be the gayest fap fest of a thread i have ever seen.
(2009.Nov.12 09:33 AM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]its Wham! gay
You forgot the exclamation lol