who won?
who has the belt now?
VS got the belt from what I heard.
We took out the Shadow Warlords a while ago.
Food Qty Weight Value Actions
NIMBUS Engineered Protein Bar 37 3.7 $ 3,700
Medical Qty Weight Value Actions
Double Stim-pack 11 5.5 $ 42,900
Large Stim-pack 19 5.7 $ 38,000
Medium Stim-pack 16 3.2 $ 16,000
Small Stim-pack 58 5.8 $ 13,050
another one from VS i believe
Valhalla 2011 294 68 Villains Syndicate
The Space Wranglers 1379 0 44 Villains Syndicate
(2009.Oct.28 10:08 PM)g2o2d4wp Wrote: [ -> ]who won?
who has the belt now?
Planning a sneak attack?

(2009.Oct.28 11:50 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ]another one from VS i believe
Valhalla 2011 294 68 Villains Syndicate
The Space Wranglers 1379 0 44 Villains Syndicate
keep talking...
see original thread. we retired with the belt.
You don't keep the belt, i was stripped from you by AL admin. It now lies squarely with VS
Incorrect biff. We retired with the belt as champs. Nothing was or will be stripped from us. At least with out a SV/Admin vote first.