what about allowing us to attack players on critical /near death?
so in gang wars u can chain attack someone, for example a lv 16 vs 2 lv 14 ... the 1st lv 14 will attack but will not be successful but he managed the lv 16 to be in critical, so the other lv 14 will finish him off (hopefully) u get what i mean?
a good feature to be added on wars
well, it won't give too much exp so i don't think i will be abused
First off, this isn't a bad idea.
The reason nobody can attack someone less than 50% health is to prevent power-leveling exploitation. It's also implemented because players were getting extremely cheap kills during wars when the person would just peep their head out of the hospital only to be sent back with 2 damage.
I think it would be interesting if in gang wars attacks were possible at any time. haven't decided yet whether I think I would prefer it that way or not.
I think its great idea and I people goes out from hospital with at least 50% hp usually
Its a good idea so long as it meshes with the new gang war respect code.
if i understand the new war respect code correctly:
if a 19 attacks a 20 and barely loses, and a 16 finishes off the 20, the attackers net 1 respect. ( -3, +4 )
if the 16 attacks the 20 and loses, and then the 19 attacks and wins
( -1, +3 ) the attackers net 2 respect for essentially the same battle.
Also, would be a good reason though to introduce an item stronger than the bioplex protein recovery. I hate having to always use 5 or 6 of those at a time as it is, and this would make HP restoration even more crucial, which i think could be cool for the game.
mmm, excellent idea TripsT, I am tired of buying 100 of them

i second the Arby's glove guys request!
yeah, something that gives back 500 hp or so would be nice.
As I am still pretty new you may be able to do this and possibly tie in HP regen to the resistance stat. That would also solve the second request.
Saerin Wrote:As I am still pretty new you may be able to do this and possibly tie in HP regen to the resistance stat. That would also solve the second request.
Now thats an interesting idea.
Quote:07.February.26 - The NIMBUS Engineered Protein Bar has been released to the general public in the Military Surplus Outlet. It heals 500 hit points and saves criminals the chore of eating a lot of Bioplex protein to heal all their health.
nice! thanks Z