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And modzi editing seems to be getting out of hand again....but...

Since I seen that you guys just move posts to the mod or admin forum, I forget which. I know you may need to reference the post or get others views, but it messes up so many threads, with the extra page that doesnt exist. Cant you just copy and paste the post into the back forums and delete the actual post? I cannot see any reason why you would want the actual post besides one that you would need for legal reasons or something.

Thank you


Yeah the modzi's are getting worse by the day.
Agreed. And congrats on the win against SV and taking over the number one spot again!!

But hopefully the modzis or Zen or Err can take this into consideration. Or at least give an answer as to why they wont. The forums are a major part of the game, so I would think this would be the easiest fix of them all.
Rambo, do y'all think y'all are tougher than SV now?
(2009.Oct.25 08:07 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]Rambo, do y'all think y'all are tougher than SV now?

I hope so!
(2009.Oct.25 08:07 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]Rambo, do y'all think y'all are tougher than SV now?

[Image: dr_phil.jpg]
Bump for Zen or Err.
(2009.Nov.16 09:08 PM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]Bump for Zen or Err.

It's kind of ridiculous. My post (regarding pyramids), for instance, could be edited to remove the pyramid. But there's no reason to delete a bunch of posts.
The modzi's are way out of hand. Their was a time when mods would edit the posts not delete them. But that was before the newer modzi's got their power...
case and point <----- link
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