So what about this. Alot of talk about creating weekly lottery events, what about just having a lottery running all the time?
Look at it like this. it starts with 50 000$, complements of Awakened Lands/Zenith
Then people just buy lottery tickets for 200$ game cash/ 1 credit, and they match those numbers with a set number line for the week like 2 13 26 34 42 (supposed to be numbers from Lost, but i cant remember them all)
If they get all exept one, they dont get anything. Need to have all numbers. And when someone wins they get from 50-75% of the pot, leaving some left for people to win. Only exeption is if the amount if under 50 000, then Zen will bump it up.
The way this can be a money drain is that 10% of out every ticket is handed right back to Zen, to build the next 50 000K pot, should anyone win it. Nice way for poor people to maybe that that special house or for the rich to get richer. And best of all, you can play whenever you want, creating new addicts every day 
And could be possible seing pots over millions here 
i agree... but i hope lottery tickets will worth $50-$100 because lottery tickets are supposed to be cheap...($50-100 is still expensive though

it's a good idea, no doubt. But how would the winning numbers be selected? Also, I don't think it will take off unless there are better chances of winning. So maybe make it if you get 3 of 5 you get your money back and 4 of 5 you get double your money?
And $200 seems a little steep, but it might work.
okay, basically the only way this will work as a money drain is if a portion of the money used to buy tickets is skimmed off the top by Zenith and then the rest is put into the pot. I agree $200 is a little steep because a lot of players make less than that from criming each time they use all their AP. maybe $100 would be better with a limit of how many you can buy for each draw. also I think instead of a lottery it should be a draw where your number is entered into a hat and then winners are drawn from the hat.
so basically imo it should work something like this; tickets are $100 each with a limit of 10 per person. $75 from each ticket is contributed to the pot. 3 winning tickets are drawn at random starting with 3rd place, then 2nd place then 1st place. 3rd gets 20% of the pot, 2nd gets 30% and first gets 50%. this way it operates as a money sink and should provide decent winnings. if you make this a twice weekly draw or something I think it would work quite well. we would probably see at least 1000 tickets sell which means the pot would be at $75k.
in the case of the traditional lottery it could work quite similarly. in order to endure someone wins eventually we could make it 4 numbers between 1 and 25. this gives about 12,500 possible tickets so with our current community size I think this would work. tickets could be around $50 and as dru suggested the pot could be started off by zenith at 50k (or maybe 25k). then 75% of the price of all the tickets would be added to the pot. anyone who matches all four numbers splits about 80% of the pot and anyone who matches 3 numbers splits the other 20% of the pot. each time, zen would start it off and then collect 25% of all the ticket sales. in order to be a proper money sink we would have to do some trial runs and see how much is collected and then an amount to start the pot at could be decided on.
heh, it would probably be harder to set up but i like the traditional "powerball" style idea better. (where the pot rolls over if no one wins)
when the powerball is at 15 mil, nobody cares, but when it reaches 200Mil, seems like everyone and their mother goes to buy tix
I dont think the user base is large enough to generate an enticing pot at only $100 per ticket. And if we allow players to buy many multiple tickets per draw, the rich benefit much more than the poor. (why even set such a low amount if all the wealthy players are gonna buy 10 tix each?... people who can only afford $100 are still getting screwed)
as a result i think it would only work to set a strict limit on the number of tickets purchasable/ drawing period (maybe 1, maybe 2), and i think out of necessity the pot needs to roll over week after week. It shouldn't be easy to win either.
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well i dont like the idea of a weekly event where Zen draws the winners. If you buy a ticket, you check the numbers if you won instantly. This way it could take weeks to months for the pot too be won, making it grow ever larger. Maybe you can have it so that the more tickets you buy the bigger chance you have at being inrolled in GA (gamblers anonymous), and when inrolled its 24hours where you are unable to do lottery/gambling.
And yes, ofc the richest people will always have the best chances of winning this lottery. They are also the group that contributes to making the pot grow. By saying "You make cash to fast on crimes, so youre limited to spending 1000$ a week on tickets", you would just downsize the pot effectively by around 70% percent. Cause there are some that are addicted to chance games.
yeah, dru the second idea I described is a rollover lottery, but instead of having a set of numbers you are always looking for (which would be like a slot machine) each week you would have a bunch of combinations being bought and another random combination created, if someone wins, they win, if not, then the money rolls over.
The numbers would have to be something like 1-5 instead of 1-55 if it was powerball style. If the odds were 1 in 146,107,962 we wouldn't get our first winner until 2051 and I don't know if I'll still be playing then.
First off, all nice ideas here, I am not trying to thread jack but I would like to see some kind of big activity to waste money on and spend time on. It seems like it is just attack, train, attack train now and try to level up. I have noticed in some other games recently things such as racing cars and betting and dog fighting which seems really cool. I think another thing that could be really cool is maybe horse breeding and races. I would like something new and fresh that you could spend all of my money and time on. I am not as creative as most of you but I am sure one of you can think of something else similar.