2:48 pm
New! PsYcHoTiC attacked you and lost.
pfft....after we wasted all those gps giving you gang back-up.
Good thing we used them points or I would have been mashed!

(2009.Oct.15 01:40 PM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]Im pretty sure Dingus was talking to me. 
Lmao... well in that case.. what r u wearing??

jk... =-)
Posted by superdude - Today 07:55 PM
Good thing we used them points or I would have been mashed! Ninja
yeah right =-)
Me? Im just sitting around in my scooby doo underoos. Chillin.

(2009.Oct.15 02:12 PM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]Me? Im just sitting around in my scooby doo underoos. Chillin. 
Guess thats why Dingus likes u so much.. He has the matching pair I was told!! LMAO =-)
Well his are superman I believe.
(2009.Oct.15 02:27 PM)Psychowife Wrote: [ -> ] (2009.Oct.15 01:55 PM)superdude Wrote: [ -> ]Good thing we used them points or I would have been mashed! 
cheater LMAO
i agree honey LMAO he has to have the gang to back him LMAO nah hes my boy we are cool for now