(2009.Oct.13 09:59 AM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]Sure. 
P.s why ask SS The guys a known liar!, Ahh I see got ya. Nce try weakling.
I'd say you're the weakling.People that get thrills from beating a more or less dead horse in an online game, I'd describe them as 'weak' people.
Both you two have weak minds, maybe the two of you together, can get a few brain cells together to construct a humerous post? Give it a go...
bren used to run with sv..... then he "retires". Comes back later and realizes he blows cuz now he cant even beat LongLiveTheWook. so he joins Howlsong in an attempt to make himself look useful. but from what i can tell, he hasnt trained since he has been back cuz he still hits like carlweathers in fair condition.
im just callin it like i see it bro, the real comedy factor is you.
Actually, the comedy I gather from that is that you know what Carl hits like in fair. Shows some real brutality from a big man like you. Also, I haven't trained since I've been back, maybe that does explain why I seem to not of trained since coming back? Give me some time, I'll be whiping your ass again soon enough, in fact all I need is armour and a belt.
well going by your cheap tactics... once you have armor and a belt.... if you do beat me it wont count cuz i myself dont have armor or a belt... so my name will still be intact. ill just hide behind that for a while since i dont have howlsong to get my back.
more like female mud wrestling....
4:21 pm Rafal attacked you and it ended in a stalemate.
5:56 pm Ushanewnewba attacked you and it ended in a stalemate.
Shame it don't whow wha year that was.

No, last year. 2008, maybe even early 2009. And FYI, it's more of a joke then anything else.
Jaysin, you remind me of a girls klit erupting like yellowstone park. That time of the month? Going on about "blahbudy blah blah, It won't count if you beat me cos I have no armour". What won't count? So I guess that means I get no EXP?
Hows about you two have a good suck on each others jabend, preferably 69 position, whilst telling each other how strong and musculine they are, letting the other know they're nearly as strong in real life as they are in game.
(2009.Oct.13 12:29 PM)biffbaffboff Wrote: [ -> ]4:21 pm Rafal attacked you and it ended in a stalemate.
5:56 pm Ushanewnewba attacked you and it ended in a stalemate.
Shame it don't whow wha year that was.
that was on day 1 lmao
LMFAO!!! None of us were around day 1, fail.