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I notice each allows only 8 hours each, which makes sense, 8 hours of work, 8 ours of study, 8 hours of sleep.

But, can we get the option, to spend 16 hours in careers, or 16 hours in skills? Be able to split it any way we want, 14/2, 6/10, etc.

you can do 12 hours in careers...
Overtime would not really count as if you had the ability to split, as you would rarely get it.
(2009.Oct.11 03:49 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]Overtime would not really count as if you had the ability to split, as you would rarely get it.

Don't care, but it could unbalance the game.
No, the limits in place now are good. I, and most of the AL community, would likely put all hours into skill training, as you can gym train stats, but there is no other way to get skills, and skills are quite powerful.
(2009.Oct.11 09:49 AM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ]No, the limits in place now are good. I, and most of the AL community, would likely put all hours into skill training, as you can gym train stats, but there is no other way to get skills, and skills are quite powerful.

+1 but still interestng idea
Yes, but you, as well as most of the people in AL, are part of a gang, and careers play a massive role in that. CP's are bankroll. in the long run, if i put 20 hours a day into just careers for a year, and then worked on skills, I would have a career around level 6 or 7, have a ton of cash, be able to use my career level to generate more money, and get better XP thru my career than if I was criming, plus more money. Or I could be combat proficient.

My point was simply, its our time, give us a choice to use it how we please.
There are not many careers that would benefit that much by working an extra 8 hours and skipping skills. Probably only those that repair the hideout for those gangs that war like crazy. Most people would probably skip careers and just work skills instead.

Personally I like it the way it is. Zen has given us something to do daily with our EP and our AP, no need to change what works.
(2009.Oct.15 04:15 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]Personally I like it the way it is. Zen has given us something to do daily with our EP and our AP, no need to change what works.


dont usualy agree with inpace but +1
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