just putting this out there, but careers are so worthwhile right now that i'm levelling mine just so i can get some more exp. yup. so pro
true statement, but sarcastic at the same time. get it?
25 AP gets me 80-90 XP
double woot.
careers really bring the heat.
we should combine our military might and take over AL with our superior career experience points!!!!!!!!!
and don't forget grenades
we'll never actually get to use the special military equipment we were hoping to be able to use, but the EXP is pretty good
I'm glad the military has finally accepted your lifestyles, and there's plenty of time to try out all the "equipment", don't worry fellas
for reals, thx thrillhouse
all the people upset about engineering and the .08 work exp, try having a career that doesnt give u 4x accuracy rating lol