Who in the blue hell is Deathwing???
(2009.Oct.05 10:22 AM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ]Who in the blue hell is Deathwing???
I heard there's an existing one about you, keep quiet.
If everyone can take these in good humor I will keep making them, prolly once a week, maybe twice.
(2009.Oct.05 03:01 PM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]If everyone can take these in good humor I will keep making them, prolly once a week, maybe twice.
You mind if I post one of my own?
Damn you Preacher. You have taken my key to social acceptance as your own.

(2009.Oct.07 09:58 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]Damn you Preacher. You have taken my key to social acceptance as your own. 
Make some and post them buddy,
the more the merrier
this was funny, but preachers is better

(2009.Oct.07 09:58 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]Damn you Preacher. You have taken my key to social acceptance as your own. 
Yer, too right. Go crawl back under your rock where you belong, nobody!