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can other ppl donate for others?


what do you mean?


I'm assuming he means use his card to donate for another person.

I can't see why not really... you could use your card, and simply put in the player ID of the person you want to recieve the credits. But I wouldn't do it until ok'd by Zen.


yeh lordskie, thas what i mean. Biggrin

but there shouldnt be anything wrong with it should there?
you could sell donations to other AL players. the game gets it money, and the person doing the donation could make money


nice idea. like in Torn City. anyone play the game?
billy786 Wrote:nice idea. like in Torn City. anyone play the game?

According to their site, I don't think anyone has played it for a week or so Smile


lol they had so many users that it destroyed there hardrive imagine if this site gets that many
supergirl260 Wrote:lol they had so many users that it destroyed there hardrive imagine if this site gets that many

We have off-site back-ups. So we might lose some data if something like that happens, but I doubt we'd be down for a week like they have been. Sounds like all their data was on one drive.
Nice planning ahead Zen! Smile


Sometimes I wonder which I like the most between the game and our super smart admin!!!

Sexy mama! :oops:
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