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Full Version: Lag
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Pages: 1 2
I am lagging as well.... but AL is working fine.

Must be the whiskey from last night...


Yup lagg here too
Yep we voted and because Zen loves us so much, she has give 99.9% of the bandwidth usage to us. Winky
102.5 % here

Just sayin........


seems fine now!
Def improvement. I turned my BOT off and things fell into place..


(2009.Sep.30 12:47 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Def improvement. I turned my BOT off and things fell into place..

lol you are always asking for it aren't you!
Yea pretty much Wink

I aint skeered dammit!


just sayin......
Pages: 1 2
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